Agenda item


A report by the Assistant Director (Legal and Democratic Services) is attached.


                  The Assistant Director (Legal and Democratic Services) submitted a report advising Members on operational issues within the Licensing Service.


                   The report set out updates in respect of the following issues:


Gambling Act 2005

The revised Statement of Principles under the Gambling Act 2005 came    into effect on 31 January 2019, following ratification by full Council on 28 November 2018.


Common Minimum Standards – Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Trade

Following further meetings with the other nine Greater Manchester Authorities, it is hoped the Common Minimum Standards will be consulted upon in Summer 2019.


Hackney Carriage/Private Hire Trade Liaison Meeting

On 11 February 2019 the Licensing Service met with representatives of both the Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Trade and all licensed operators were invited to attend, in relation to the Greater Manchester Clean Air Plan.  A copy of the minutes from this meeting were circulated to members of the Licensing and Safety Panel for information.


Evening Enforcement – 18 January 2019

The Licensing Service undertook evening enforcement on 18 January 2019 which resulted in the following:


·         4 restaurants were visited and of those Premises Licence summaries were not displayed at 2 Premises.  Following instruction, these matters have now been remedied.


·         An unlicensed takeaway was visited which was advertising that it was open until 2.00 am.  Instruction was given at the inspection to close at 11.00 pm until a Premises Licence was in force.


·         8 other licensed Premises were visited and all were found to be compliant.


Operation Considerate

The Licensing Service took part in an operation in conjunction with Greater Manchester Police on 12 February 2019 in relation to Hackney and Private Hire licensed vehicles and drivers. The findings of the operation were circulated to members of the Licensing and Safety Panel.  The Licensing Service are currently issuing warning letters to the vehicle proprietors and the drivers of the vehicles.


Greater Manchester Air Quality Plan Conversation

On 11 February 2019, at the Hackney Carriage and Private Hire liaison meeting, Officers from Environmental Health Service spoke to the representatives of the trades in respect of Air Quality and any feedback returned within a questionnaire.


Purple Flag Submission

Officers from the Licensing Service have been involved with the internal assessment required for the renewal application and the Council is currently waiting for confirmation of a date when the external assessment will take place.


Bradley Fold

In the early hours of 14 January 2019, there was a fire at Bradley Fold and due to this, the Council are unable to test any vehicles currently. Alternative interim arrangements were made within 48 hours of the fire


with Bolton Council, to enable the testing of vehicles to continue.  The trade have been advised of the change of venue for testing and the tests have been carried out by Bury Council staff.


NAFN – National Anti-Fraud Network

Officers of the Licensing Service are currently looking to register onto the NR3 database that is held by NAFN.  This data base will hold data on individuals that have either been refused a Hackney Carriage/Private Hire badge or had one revoked.  All Greater Manchester Authorities are in the process of registering and uploading of data for the last 5 years.  All individuals’ information to be uploaded will be contacted prior to the upload and once data is uploaded, licensing staff will be checking the database on application or renewal to see if the applicant/licence holder has previously been refused or revoked.


     It was agreed:


                   That the report be noted.


Supporting documents: