A report from the Leader of the Council is attached.
Councillor Shori, Leader of the Council presented a report providing Members with an update on performance in line with Team Bury’s Single Outcomes Framework.
It was explained that under each of the single framework outcomes are a series of indicators and performance measures. These collectively contribute towards the delivery of the respective outcome.
The report and appendices detailed a number of areas where performance has improved or is at a high level and also made reference to areas of performance that were less positive.
It was explained that where performance was declining or below target or another relevant comparator, work would take place to understand what was required to improve performance. This would be done by understanding the partners involved, the true reasons as to why the data was as it was and assess what would be required to improve performance.
It was also reported that work was being carried out within several areas of the Council in relation to refreshing strategies and performance arrangements.
Those present were invited to ask questions or make comments and the following points were raised:
· Councillor Caserta referred to the average progress 8 score per pupil and the fact that Ofsted had been downgrading schools. Councillor Caserta asked what was being done to improve on this.
Councillor Shori explained that a new Ofsted framework was being introduced and the LEA would be working alongside this with schools as soon as it was known what the framework was.
Work was being carried out closely between the LEA and schools to improve. Schools were also working with each other collaboratively to bring down exclusions. Bury had had one of the highest rates of exclusions in the country in 2016/2017 and this had been turned around with no exclusions during the first term of the current academic year.
· Councillor Caserta asked whether the work that had been done around exclusions would lead to problems further down the line.
Councillor Shori explained that schools were working in collaboration with each other as well as with the Council, CCG as well as support from mental health professionals to ensure that problems weren’t being moved around but were being dealt with as early as possible.
· Councillor S Smith stated that permanent exclusion was sometimes the only option and schools should be able to take this route if it was felt that was the only option. Schools offered a unique role in the community and needed to be supported.
Councillor Shori explained that the Local Care Organisation (LCO) had been launched on 1 April 2019 and was a one commissioning organisation for the borough. This was at the cutting edge of public service reform.
· Councillor L Smith asked whether there had been any increase in the number of pupils ‘off rolled’ from the borough schools.
Councillor Shori stated that he did not have the figures relating to this but would ensure that the Committee received them.
· Councillor L Smith asked what the Council was doing in relation to childhood obesity especially in early years’.
Councillor Shori explained that the Council were encouraging schools to take part in the Daily Mile initiative as well as supporting families with vouchers for healthy food and healthy eating lessons. It was acknowledged that obesity leads to a range of health issues so by encouraging a healthier lifestyle this would help prevent the need for medical intervention later on.
· Councillor Hankey asked how the Council could work with older young people who may not be in education or employment.
Councillor Shori explained that it was anticipated that by the time the young people left school they would already have a healthy lifestyle. The responsibility to imbed a healthy lifestyle could not be left purely to schools and should be encouraged from an early age.
· Councillor D’Albert stated that Bury was regularly compared to its GM partners in relation to performance, she stated that this should be taken further afield and the borough should be compared with other towns of a similar size across the country.
Councillor Shori explained that the Corporate Plan was being refreshed to set a vision for Council priorities. The borough was aiming to be above national average in as many areas as possible which would mean testing against statistical neighbours rather that GM neighbours.
· Councillor Caserta referred to 3.6 of the report which explained that the borough had the second lowest level of 16 – 19 year olds who were not in education, employment or training and that this was partly related to the entrepreneurial nature of the borough. Councillor Caserta asked whether there were any statistics to back this statement up.
Councillor Shori stated that the Council were looking to produce smarter data analysis in the future, he did however report that there had been 8000 new business start-ups in 2017 which was a higher figure that any other borough in GM.
· Councillor Hankey asked whether a breakdown of the types of businesses would be available and how many of these were employers.
Councillor Shori stated that the Council would need to know this information and he would look to provide it to the Committee.
· Councillor Skillen referred to the Council apprenticeship scheme and whether they were considering mature apprenticeships.
Councillor Shori explained that the Council were keen to look at all opportunities in relation to apprenticeships. There had been a report published recently which referred the 50+ offer which he would share with the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
· Councillor S Smithe made reference to the recycling figures set out in the report and the fact that recycling figures had dropped. She asked whether the reasons behind this were known and whether it was time to have another promotional push.
Councillor Alan Quinn explained that this was a national trend and Bury’s figures were still high when comparing to the rest of GM. Councillor Quinn explained that communal bins were an area where work should be done. The message around plastic recycling was also an issue due to the different types of plastics.
It was agreed:
1. That the information provided be noted.
2. That Councillor Shori be thanked for his attendance at the meeting.
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