Agenda item


A report from the Cabinet Member for Adult Care Health and Housing is attached.


The Cabinet Member for Adult Care, Health and Housing submitted a draft version of Bury’s Housing Strategy for 2014-2024. A copy of a draft action plan and analysis of the consultation process was appended to the Strategy. The long term vision of the Strategy is to encourage a sustainable mix of quality housing in the Borough that is suitable and sufficient to meet the needs of Bury residents. In order to achieve this aim the draft strategy set out the following actions:


·      Encouraging house building – to help meet the demand for accommodation whilst protecting the features that make Bury a great place to live.


·      Promoting a balance between different tenure types (owner occupied, private rented, social housing) to maximise residents’ choice in where and how they live.


·      Promoting affordable housing.


·      Working to reduce the number of empty homes in the Borough.


·      Working with others to invest in housing, build decent neighbourhoods and improve the quality and sustainability of the housing stock.


·      Influencing the market to recognise and support the specific housing needs of older people, people with disabilities and other groups within our communities.


·      Supporting the ‘Green Agenda’ to maximise the energy efficiency of housing.


·      Supporting individuals to access housing by providing good quality information, advice and guidance.


Questions and comments were invited from Members of the Committee and the following issues were raised:


·      Members of the Committee highlighted the issue of empty properties in the borough and recognised the importance of a pro-active approach to bring these properties back into use. The Cabinet Member referred to the problem of developers land banking sites and properties but highlighted a Council led pilot project in Radcliffe and reported that the Council had removed the Council Tax exemption for long term empty properties.


·      The Chair, Councillor Hankey, highlighted the issue of ensuring the type of housing provided by developers matched the housing needs of the borough.


·      With regard to the issue of private landlords, the Cabinet Member referred to the pro-active work undertaken by the Council Urban Renewal Team with landlords to improve standards in that sector. Reference was made to initiatives in relation to payment of bonds; rent in advance and assisted living.


·           In response to a question from Councillor O’Hanlon, Marcus Connor, Head of Performance and Housing Strategy, undertook to provide a breakdown of the 274 properties completed in 2012/2013 by type and occupancy.


·      With regard to further schemes to bring properties back into occupation, the Cabinet Member explained further schemes would be introduced following the evaluation of current projects.


·      Members highlighted the importance of robustly enforcing the Affordable Housing Policy.


·      In response to a question from Councillor O’Hanlon, the Cabinet Member reported that the proportion of social housing at 15% of all properties in the Borough was based on current levels to maintain a fair mix of tenure types. This amount would be provided by a mixed portfolio of providers.


It was agreed:


That, subject to Cabinet approval in March 2014, an update in respect of the Housing Strategy Action Plan be submitted to this Committee in 12 months time.


Supporting documents: