Committee attendance

Cabinet, 5 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Alan Quinn 5
Councillor Tamoor Tariq 5
Councillor Eamonn O'Brien 5
Councillor Jackie Harris 1
Councillor Tahir Rafiq 4
Councillor Lucy Smith 4
Councillor Charlotte Morris 5
Councillor Clare Cummins 4
Councillor Richard Gold 5
Councillor Mike Smith 4
Councillor Jack Rydeheard 2
Councillor Russell Bernstein 4
Councillor Carol Birchmore 1
Councillor Jo Lancaster 1
Councillor Debbie Quinn 1
Councillor Nathan Boroda 1
Councillor Andrea Booth 1
Councillor Glyn Marsden 1
Council, 5 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Sandra Walmsley 4
Councillor Noel Bayley 4
Councillor Elizabeth FitzGerald 4
Councillor Iain Gartside 5
Councillor Joan Grimshaw 5
Councillor Shaheena Haroon 5
Councillor Khalid Hussain 5
Councillor Alan Quinn 5
Councillor Tamoor Tariq 5
Councillor Yvonne Wright 4
Councillor Mary Whitby 4
Councillor Eamonn O'Brien 5
Councillor Jackie Harris 5
Councillor Tahir Rafiq 4
Councillor Martin Hayes 4
Councillor Nicholas Jones 3
Councillor Lucy Smith 3
Councillor Gavin McGill 4
Councillor Charlotte Morris 5
Councillor Cristina Tegolo 3
Councillor James Mason 1
Councillor Clare Cummins 2
Councillor Richard Gold 4
Councillor Mike Smith 5
Councillor Dene Vernon 4
Councillor Ummrana Farooq 4
Councillor Jack Rydeheard 5
Councillor Ciaron Boles 3
Councillor Kevin Peel 2
Councillor Roger Brown 5
Councillor Liam James Dean 4
Councillor Russell Bernstein 5
Councillor Carol Birchmore 5
Councillor Jo Lancaster 5
Councillor Tom Pilkington 4
Councillor Debbie Quinn 4
Councillor Luis McBriar 5
Councillor Nathan Boroda 5
Councillor Debra Green 4
Councillor Sean Thorpe 4
Councillor Donald Berry 2
Councillor Andrea Booth 4
Councillor Nikki Frith 2
Councillor Ayesha Arif 4
Councillor Shahbaz Arif 5
Councillor Spencer Donnelly 4
Councillor Mary Walsh 3
Councillor Des Duncalfe 4
Councillor Glyn Marsden 4
Councillor Elliot Moss 5
Councillor Imran Rizvi 3
Overview and Scrutiny Committee, 3 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Noel Bayley 3
Councillor Alan Quinn 1
Councillor Eamonn O'Brien 1
Councillor Nicholas Jones 2
Councillor Clare Cummins 1
Councillor Richard Gold 1
Councillor Dene Vernon 3
Councillor Kevin Peel 2
Councillor Russell Bernstein 3
Councillor Carol Birchmore 3
Councillor Tom Pilkington 3
Councillor Nathan Boroda 2
Councillor Debra Green 1
Councillor Ayesha Arif 2
Councillor Mary Walsh 1
Performance and Finance - Overview and Scrutiny Sub-group, 2 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Tahir Rafiq 1
Councillor Lucy Smith 0
Councillor Richard Gold 0
Councillor Mike Smith 1
Councillor Dene Vernon 1
Councillor Russell Bernstein 1
Councillor Carol Birchmore 1
Councillor Nathan Boroda 1