Issue - decisions



The Assistant Director (Localities) submitted a report advising Members on operational issues within the Licensing Service.


                   The report set out updates in respect of the following issues:


In relation to Licensing Hearings Panels, the Licensing Unit Manager reported the following:


·           The Licensing Service had received notification that a Personal Licence holder had received a relevant offence under schedule 4 of the Licensing Act 2003.  A Licensing Hearings Panel was convened on 18 April 2018 and after hearing all the evidence, the Panel considered it reasonable, balanced, appropriate and proportionate to suspend the Personal Licence for a period of four months.


·           The Licensing Service received an application in respect of Best one, Chesham Fold Road, Bury and Greater Manchester Police, in their capacity as a responsible authority, made representations.  A Licensing Hearings Panel was convened on 18 April 2018, however, it was requested by the Applicant’s Solicitor that the meeting be adjourned from this date and the meeting was subsequently rearranged for 26 April 2018.  Following that meeting and on the evidence provided, the Licensing Hearings Panel agreed to grant the transfer.


·           The Licensing Unit Manager provided written statistics of work dealt with by the Licensing Service during the municipal year 2017/18, which included a breakdown of the number of licences, registrations, consents and permits processed, totalling 3,625.


     It was agreed:


                   That the report be noted.