Issue - decisions

Combined BCF and IBCF Report

14/08/2019 - Combined BCF and IBCF Report

Julie Gonda, Interim, Executive Director, Communities and Wellbeing, attended the meeting to provide members with updated performance information for the better care fund and improved better care fund.  The presentation provided information in respect of the BCF metrics which include:

      Non-elective admissions - reduction in non-elective admissions

      Permanent admissions - rate of permanent admissions to residential care per 100,000 population (65+)

      Effectiveness of reablement - proportion of older people (65 and over) who were still at home 91 days after discharge from hospital into reablement / rehabilitation services

      Delayed transfers of care (DToC) - delayed transfers of care (delayed days) from hospital


As well as the IBCF the local metrics related to areas of spend

      DToC for reason 'awaiting package of care’

      DToC for reason 'awaiting residential home’

      Time taken to grant DOLS application


With regards to each of the BCF metrics, the Interim Executive Director reported that  a revised target has been established for non-electives admissions, a number of remedial actions have been put in place.


The Interim Executive Director reported that a targeted piece of work is currently been undertaken to address the permanent admissions to residential care and it is envisaged that this would reduce the numbers significantly.


The figures for the effectiveness of reablement are very close to the target. There does however continue to be high number of complex cases entering the system.  The DTOC figures indicate that they are reducing though still not on track.


The Interim Executive Director reported that there would be an additional £5.4m from the IBCF which will allow some additional capacity in reablment.


It was agreed:


The Health and Wellbeing Board will continue to receive quarterly Better Care Fund and Improved Better Care Fund performance updates.