Issue - decisions

State of Delayed Transfers of Care in Bury

14/08/2019 - State of Delayed Transfers of Care in Bury

Dee Colam, Interim Assistant Director (Adult Social Care Operations) provided members with a follow up report in respect of the state of delayed transfers of Care in Bury.  Delayed Transfers of Care are a national Key Performance Indicator (KPI) for both the NHS and Adult Social Care (ASC).  The report included information in respect of delayed transfer of cares in the following areas and measures taken to address the problem:

Mental Health

Acute hospitals

Non-Acute Hospital

Winter Pressures Grant


Members discussed problems with recruitment to the Integrated Discharge Team.  The CCG Chair reported that this was becoming increasingly problematic however work is underway across Greater Manchester to address this issue.


Responding to a Member’s question, the Interim Assistant Director reported that the discharge to assess beds have been very successful at releasing capacity within the Acute sector. This service is now offered on four sites across the Borough, supported by a range of professionals.


It was agreed:


A further update will be provided to the Board in six months.