Issue - decisions

Restrict Environmental Health Statutory Nuisance Enforcement activities during COVID-19 Lockdown period

29/04/2020 - Restrict Environmental Health Statutory Nuisance Enforcement activities during COVID-19 Lockdown period

Postpone Environmental Health Statutory Nuisance Enforcement action and limit it to remote working practices and informal resolution of complaints. This will reduce unnecessary and avoidable contact with the public and protect the safety of staff during the COVID-19 pandemic Lockdown period.

From the date of the Operational Decision all noise and statutory nuisance complaints will be investigated normally but will include an extended period of monitoring and evidence gathering with enforcement decisions being delayed until after the COVID-19 Lockdown period.

The Neighbourhood Enforcement Team will continue to utilise the existing Noise APP software which allows customers to submit recordings of alleged noise nuisance to support complaints. Officers will now, temporarily restrict activities to reviewing the information received and only providing relevant advice during the extended monitoring period. Affected Customers/Cases expectations will be managed and they will be contacted and informed of the temporary changes to service delivery.

Any enforcement action will be delayed until an appropriate future time after the Lockdown period. These jobs will be reviewed regularl and customers contacted once Environmental Health officers are able to safely visit/serve notice/undertake works in default to remedy complaints effectively.