Issue - decisions

As agreed by the Brexit Recovery Group commission and pay external organisation to deliver an Economic Analysis and Brexit Resilience report for Bur

29/04/2020 - As agreed by the Brexit Recovery Group commission and pay external organisation to deliver an Economic Analysis and Brexit Resilience report for Bur

The request is to use the Brexit funding to pay outstanding invoice. (£39,400.00 excluding VAT – 50% on commencement and 50% upon delivery)

Bury Council appointed Cambridge Econometrics to research existing intelligence, analysis and new intelligence and analysis to prepare evidence based report/s that will inform strategy, policy development and interventions for Bury Council and partner organisations. The evidence will support the development of the Bury Local Industrial Strategy/Economic Strategy and the overarching Bury Strategy 2030.
A sound evidence base will support Bury Council to develop clearly defined set of interventions and a delivery plan/s for taking interventions forward. The evidence base will help inform our response, through the Bury Strategy, to the five foundations set out in the national Industrial Strategy (‘Ideas’, ‘People’, ‘Infrastructure’, ‘Business Environment’ and ‘Places’) plus the four Grand Challenges (AI and Data, Clean Growth, Future of Mobility and Ageing Society).
This request is to allocate the required budget against the invoice for this commissioned work.