Issue - decisions

Request to extend all current Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicle licences by 3 months beyond their current expiry date which are due for renewal between the dates 1/6/2020 and 31/3/2021 and to move forward by 3 months all 6 monthly schedule

02/07/2020 - Request to extend all current Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicle licences by 3 months beyond their current expiry date which are due for renewal between the dates 1/6/2020 and 31/3/2021 and to move forward by 3 months all 6 monthly schedule

• Decision – Extension of all current hackney carriage and private hire licensed vehicle licences by 3 months for all licences due for renewal between 1/7/20 and 31/3/21 and
• To move forward by 3 months the scheduled 6 monthly interim tests for vehicles who were inspected in January, February and March prior to the COVID 19 pandemic