Issue - decisions

Adoption of 2013 Statement of Community Involvement

06/09/2013 - Adoption of 2013 Statement of Community Involvement

The Cabinet Member for Environment submitted a report regarding the Statement of Community Involvement (SCI). The SCI sets out how the Council intends to involve the community in the preparation, alteration or revision of the various components of the Bury Local Plan, and in the decision-making process for planning applications. The Council’s current SCI was adopted in December 2009.


Following a decision made under delegated powers on 18 June 2013 by the Cabinet Member for Environment for a 4-week consultation on the document (held between 24 June to 22 July 2013). Eleven representations were received and minor changes were made to the document where appropriate.


Delegated decisions:


1. That the consultation comments received as a result of public consultation on the Statement of Community Involvement and the minor changes made in response to those documents be noted.


2. That the Statement of Community Involvement document be adopted as council policy.


Reason for the decisions:

Following recent changes to Government guidance and Regulations a review of the SCI was considered necessary. The SCI must remain an effective tool for residents and developers and contain the most up-to-date information.


Other options considered and rejected:

Member to seek further revisions to the Statement of Community Involvement before it is adopted.