Issue - decisions

Radcliffe Strategic Regeneration Framework Update

25/03/2021 - Radcliffe Strategic Regeneration Framework - Acquisition of Assets - Part A

Councillor Eamonn O’Brien, the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Finance and Growth, presented the report regarding the specifics of the proposals for the continued development of the Strategic Regeneration Framework (SRF) projects. It was noted that in order to access the Levelling Up Fund, the Council was required to demonstrate it had the ability to deliver the development proposals within specific timeframes; a key aspect of which was to demonstrate it had control over land assets. Members noted the proposals had been discussed and received support at a recent public webinar and Radcliffe Cabinet Committee.




·         The progress on the creation of a new public service hub building and wider regeneration efforts in Radcliffe Town Centre be noted.

·         Approval be given for the acquisition of land and premises that are critical to the delivery of key SRF projects as set out in Part B of this report be approved, subject to financial and legal due diligence to complete the transaction.

·         Finalisation of the acquisitions, as set out in the Part B report, be delegated to the Chief Executive after consultation with the Council’s Section 151 and Monitoring Officers and the Leader of the Council and subject to the satisfactory completion of the financial and legal due diligence.


Reasons for the decision:

The Civic Hub project is a major regeneration priority project given the potential for the site to have a fundamental role in driving economic growth. To support a robust funding bid, it is critical that the Council should secure the ability to build on the subject land and ensure it is free of legal constraints.


Other options considered and rejected:

Doing nothing and leaving the town to market forces will not change the existing patterns of demand and won’t provide the attractions to the centre is that is needed to drive footfall and the growth. As set out in the SRF, intervention in the market is required and a development of the scale and nature proposed has the potential to be truly transformational for the town and will act as a catalyst for further development and investment in the town centre and wider Borough.