Issue - decisions

Q3 2021/22 Corporate Plan Performance & Delivery

22/02/2022 - Bury Corporate Plan Performance and Delivery Report Quarter Three 2021-22

Councillor Tahir Rafiq, the Cabinet Member for Corporate Affairs and HR, presented the report which provided a summary of key delivery and performance that occurred during quarter three 2021-22 aligned to the 3R priorities. The report also highlighted intelligence on customer contact services.


In response to Members’ questions, it was noted that detail on the apprenticeship and skills strategies could be provided to Councillor Jones outside of the meeting, and that green rated targets were on track while amber targets were waiting on the resolution of an issue before being brought back on track. With regards to potholes, five times as many potholes were being fixed than reported during the last quarter as staff had been released from Covid-related redeployments, and as such the next quarterly report would see this spend increase. Details of this and on how the decrease in recycling rates was being mitigated would be provided to Councillor Powell outside of the meeting, and the guide price of one of the assets sold could be clarified.




1.    Noted the performance and delivery against the 3R priorities and the 2021/22 Corporate Plan delivery objectives;

2.    Noted the spotlight on our intelligence on customer contact services; and

3.    Noted the ongoing developments to strengthen and improve this reporting process and functionality.


Reasons for the decision:

To measure and acknowledge progress towards the 2021/22 Corporate Plan delivery objectives.


Other Options considered and rejected:
