Issue - decisions

Ramsbottom Town Centre Plan

14/03/2022 - Ramsbottom Town Centre Plan

Councillor Eamonn O’Brien, the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Finance and Growth, presented the report which detailed the results of the draft Ramsbottom Town Centre Plan consultation and sought approval for the final Plan to become a material planning consideration, which will be used as a tool to guide investment and development in Ramsbottom Town Centre.


In response to Members’ questions, it was noted that there was a focus on ensuring capacity was in place to ensure deliver and that the Project Management Office would be similar in scope to that of Radcliffe’s, but the scale would be smaller.




1.    Noted the key themes raised in response to the consultation on the draft Ramsbottom Town Centre Plan;

2.    Accepted the post consultation amendments to the document; and

3.    Approved the revised Ramsbottom Town Centre Plan as the final version and Council’s policy document for the future of the town – to become a material planning consideration and guide future investment opportunities.


Reasons for the decision:

The Ramsbottom Town Centre Plan provides a vision to guide the future investment of the town centre in the short, medium and long term.


Other options considered and rejected:

No other options were considered/were applicable.