Issue - decisions

Community Safety Plan

14/03/2022 - Community Safety Plan 2022-25

Councillor Richard Gold, Cabinet Member for Communities, presented the report which set out the new Community Safety Plan for the borough. This had been designed through extensive consultation with our communities, partners and stakeholders and had been reviewed by the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee.



Cabinet approved the Community Safety Plan for Bury 2022-2025 and agreed for it to be presented to Full Council for sign-off in March 2022.


Reasons for the decision:

·         This plan builds on the previous Community Safety Plan which covered 2019-2021. The report contains the key achievements that have been made against the five priorities and how these now need to be developed to meet current demands.

·         The new plan has been developed through a strategic review of crime and safety performance, consultation with residents via our Community Hubs and wider community engagement network and feedback from our partners across private, public and the voluntary sector.


Other options considered and rejected:

This Plan has been subject to formal consultation and scrutiny by the Council. Alternative priorities have been considered and the priorities within the Plan have been amended to include this feedback and the develop the detailed delivery plans which will underpin the high-level commitments in this plan.