Issue - decisions

Anti Poverty

18/11/2022 - Bury Cost of Living and Anti-Poverty approach

The Cabinet Member For Finance and Communities presented to members an overview of the Council’s cost of living and anti-poverty approach.  and the proactive and targeted approach we are taking as part of the strategy. Given the increasing cost-of-living pressures, the paper outlines the ongoing challenge and impacts along with the approach being taken to deliver the local anti-poverty strategy.


·         Councillor Smith commended the report for including support for energy bills for care leavers and that work is ongoing to support foster carers to enable them to get assistance.

·         With regards to supporting the long term unemployed in to work, Councillor Morris reported that the Cabinet are working to develop and Economic Development Strategy as well as an all age skills strategy.



That the Cabinet

·         Notes the significant impacts of the increase in the Cost of Living on local residents, and that the impacts are disproportionately affecting certain groups within the community.

·         Endorse and approve the actions that have taken place, and that are planned as part of the anti-poverty strategy, including the proposals in relation to the use of the Household Support Fund.


Reasons for recommendation

The Paper sets out the wider context and the impact the cost of living is having on Bury residents. Local data and insight has been used to inform the local approach and shape the proposals related to the Household Support Fund (HSF). This local insight has helped to inform our approach to responding to this issue effectively and efficiently, ensuring we utilise resources in a way which has a maximum impact on our residents, and a focus on reducing inequalities.


Alternative options considered and rejected

The approach has been evidence based and developed with local partners and networks to align existing and future activity and to build on existing strengths. The approach both aligns to our local strategy and action plan and the wider work across Greater Manchester. A series of long, medium- and short-term actions are identified within the plan which we are delivering on and we continue to engage with partners, communities and people with lived experience to ensure the approach is right and supporting those most in need.