Issue - decisions

Education SPD Adoption

01/10/2024 - Developer Contributions for Education Supplementary Planning Document-Consultation Draft

Councillor O’Brien, Leader and Cabinet Member for Strategic Growth reported that this item relates to the supplementary planning document 17, which sets out how the Council will deal with developer contributions towards education.

In June 2024, Cabinet members approved a draft of SPD17 for consultation purposes. Consultation was subsequently undertaken over a six-week period running from 15th July to 19th August 2024.


The comments received and the Council’s response to these are set out in the Consultation Statement which is appended to this report.


Following consideration of the consultation responses, a small number of changes have been made to the SPD and Members are now asked to note the consultation responses and to approve the revised SPD for adoption.




·         Cabinet note the responses to the public consultation and the proposed post-consultation revisions as set out in Appendix 2 to this report.

·         Cabinet approve the revised SPD as the final version to be adopted and published.

·         Cabinet delegate authority to the Executive Director (Place), to make any minor non-material editorial amendments to the SPD ahead of its final publication.


Reasons for recommendation(s)


SPD17 sets out how the Council will deal with developer contributions for education when determining planning applications for relevant developments that may impact on education provision, such as school places. The adoption of the document will ensure that all relevant planning applications are considered against up-to-date procedures, legislation and national planning policy.