Issue - decisions

Capital Outturn 2013/2014

30/07/2014 - Capital Outturn 2013/2014

The Leader submitted a report providing details of:

·         the Capital Outturn figures in respect of the last financial year 2013/14;

·         Major variances between the revised Estimate and the Outturn;

·         The financing of the Capital Programme in 2013/14;

·         Re-profile of budgets/allocations and funding into 2014/15;

·         Details of the capital receipts realised during the year.


Delegated decisions:


1.   That the final Capital Outturn for 2013/2014 and explanations for major variances (Appendix A and report) be noted.

2.   That the financing of the Capital Programme in 2013/2014 (Paragraph 3.5 of the report submitted) be noted.

3.   That approval be given to the re-profiled slippage requests and associated funding into 2014/2015 (Appendix B)

4.   That the level of Capital Receipts realised in year be noted.


Reason for the decision:

The Council is required as part of the Financial Regulations to present an annual report on the Capital Outturn.


Other options considered and rejected:

To amend or reject the recommendations.