Issue - decisions

Bury Council - Zero Waste Strategy and Sustainable Waste Collection Service - to follow

30/07/2014 - Bury Council - Zero Waste Strategy and Sustainable Waste Collection Service

The Cabinet Member (Environment) submitted a report proposing a Zero Waste Strategy for Bury. The Strategy has been developed to compliment the Greater Manchester Waste Disposal Authority’s (GMWDA) Waste Management Strategy designed to protect the environment, cut back on the amount of waste generated and sharply increase recycling rates.


The Council has to consider all options to increase the level of recycling in the Borough and has focussed on three of the ten strategic objectives, these are:

·         Waste prevention;

·         Following the waste hierarchy;

·         Education and awareness.


The report set out the options for a new waste collection system which is set for implementation in October 2014. This system would involve making operational changes to support Bury residents with maximising recycling and minimising the amount of waste requiring treatment and disposal.


Delegated decisions:


1.   That approval be given to adopt Bury Council’s Zero Waste Strategy, including the 10 Strategic Objectives as detailed in the report submitted.

2.   That approval be given to the proposed changes to the waste collection service.

3.   That approval be given to an ‘invest to save’ initiative to include a capital spend of up to £213,400 and one-off implementation costs of £189,700 to introduce the changes. These costs will ultimately be self-financing, but initially are to be funded from loan and reserves as detailed in Section 4 of the report submitted.


Reason for the decision:

This recommendation provides a sustainable solution to increasing recycling, cutting back on waste and improving education and awareness.


Other option considered and rejected:

Do nothing. The Council would not achieve recycling targets, efficiency savings or other strategic objectives and costs associated with treatment and disposal of waste would continue to rise.