Issue - decisions

Devolution and Greater Manchester - Implications for Bury

07/01/2015 - Devolution and Greater Manchester - Implications for Bury

The Leader of the Council submitted a report setting out the implications for Bury Council following the Agreement with Government to devolve functional and fiscal responsibilities, alongside a staged approach to Greater Manchester governance arrangements. The report outlined the importance of the emerging devolution deal and how it supports:

·         Bury priorities and its role in shaping Greater Manchester priorities;

·         The proposed Governance arrangements; and

·         The relationship between Bury, Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) and a Greater Manchester Mayor.


The report had been previously considered and approved by Council on 10 December 2014.


Delegated decisions:


1.   That the principles which have guided Greater Manchester’s approach to devolution and governance changes be endorsed.


2.   That the Devolution Agreement be welcomed and the significant switch in powers and access to resources it represents, which will have a positive impact on those who live and work within Bury and Greater Manchester be noted.


3.   That the proposed changes in governance, including an Appointed Mayor as the eleventh Member of GMCA as a transition to a Directly Elected Mayor for Greater Manchester, be supported.


4.   That the balance between new powers to be vested in the GMCA, as well as new powers to be vested in a directly elected Mayor, who will be the Chair of the GMCA and accountable to the Cabinet and Leaders in the exercise of those powers; and the Mayor and the Cabinet being the subject of scrutiny by the GMCA pool be noted.


5.   That it be agreed that the proposed governance arrangements reflect the circumstances within Greater Manchester, which has a long track record of collaboration amongst the local authorities and with business.


6.   That Government and the range of local stakeholders be reminded that Bury and Greater Manchester will remain fully committed to greater fiscal devolution and to working with other UK City Regions and London, in particular, to make the case for this in the coming months.


7.   That the GMCA be recommended to conclude the statutory review of Governance arrangements as soon as possible, to enable a final scheme to be submitted to the Secretary of State as a pre-requisite to the changes being made to the Statutory Orders to give effect to the transitional arrangements.




8.   That authority be delegated to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader of the Council to:

-      Respond formally to the GMCA consultation on devolution in the terms set out in the report submitted;

-      Finalise on behalf of Bury Council, the Council’s response to the final terms of the Governance arrangements including the terms of the Statutory Order.


Reasons for the decision:

The decision is in response to the recent Agreement with Government to devolve functional and fiscal responsibilities, alongside a staged approach to Greater Manchester governance arrangements.


Other options considered and rejected:

To reject or amend the proposals.