Issue - decisions

Future Service Options for Social Care Provider Services

21/01/2015 - Future Service Options for Social Care Provider Services

The Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member (Health and Wellbeing) submitted a report providing Cabinet with an update on its decision to develop a business plan for an alternative model for a group of in-house adult care services (1 October 2014).


The work undertaken since has resulted in a proposed vision for the new organisation which has been shared with a range of stakeholders for their input. The report recommended that the Local Authority Trading Company is the most appropriate model to Bury to deliver adult social care services. To take the proposal forward, Cabinet was requested to agree in principle to the establishment of a Local Authority Trading Company. The recommendation is subject to a further report based on a detailed business plan to be submitted to the meeting of Cabinet on 8 April 2015 for a final sign off.


Delegated decision:


1.   That the vision and purpose of the proposed organisation be confirmed.

2.   That the proposal for a Local Authority Trading Company as the preferred model be confirmed.

3.   That approval be given to develop a detailed business plan for the development of a Local Trading Company. The services involved would be developed into a new organisation wholly owned by the Council but separate to it. Customers and staff would transfer into the new organisation.

4.   That approval be given to move to the next phase of work including the procurement of support to develop the business plan and the implementation of the interim staffing arrangements as detailed in paragraph 7.3 of the report submitted.

5.   That approval be given to the timescales for the next phases of work including the proposal for final sign off at Cabinet on 8 April 2015.


Reason for the decision:

The decision will enable the Council to continue to effectively fulfil its duties to safeguard those who are most vulnerable whilst targeting the resources the Council will have available from 2015/2016 onwards.


Other options considered and rejected:

Do nothing. Savings would not be achieved and would have to be met elsewhere within the Council. Alternatively the options to close or privatise provision that were considered and dismissed by Cabinet on 1 October 2015 would have to be reconsidered.


(At this point Councillor Connolly returned to the meeting room and continued to chair the meeting.)