Issue - decisions

Revision of Supplementary Planning Document 1: Open Space, Sport and Recreation in New Housing Development

24/02/2015 - Revision of Supplementary Planning Document 1: Open Space, Sport and Recreation in New Housing Development

The Cabinet Member (Resources and Regulation) submitted a report presenting a revised version of the Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) on open space, sport and recreation provision in new housing developments. The SPD1 provides more detailed guidance to support Unitary Development Plan (UDP) Policy RT2/2 and the current adopted version requires all new housing units proposed to be subject to a standard charge per dwelling.


Following changes to Government guidance, the Council is no longer able to apply the provisions of SPD1 for the purpose of seeking developer contributions for small scale developments of 1 to 9 dwellings. SPD1 has therefore been revised to take account of changes to guidance and also the latest Regulations which will introduce pooling restrictions on Section 106 contributions from April 2015.


Delegated decisions:


1.     That approval be given to the Draft Supplementary Planning Document 1 for a consultation period of four weeks.         

2.     That following the consultation period, all representations received be considered and changes made to the SPD1 where appropriate.

3.     That delegated authority be given to the Executive Director of Resources and Regulation, in consultation with the Cabinet Member (Resources and Regulation), to approve the final version of the SPD for formal adoption.


Reasons for the decision:

Before it can be adopted the SPD is required to have a period of consultation. This will also allow for management development decisions to take account of the revised SPD before the pooling restrictions take effect from April 2015.


Other option considered and rejected:

To reject the recommendation.