Issue - decisions

Bury Town Centre and Night Time Economy Strategy and Action

20/04/2016 - Bury Town Centre and Night Time Economy Strategy and Action

The Cabinet Member (Resource and Regulation) submitted a report seeking approval to the draft Bury Town Centre Evening and Night Time Economy Strategy.


The Strategy seeks to strengthen existing partnership working amongst all those involved including key agencies and business to maximise the benefits.


Work will then focus on raising the profile of Bury Town Centre as a popular visitor location by improving public perception, increasing the diversity of the offer as well as maintaining and improving standards.


Delegated decision:


That approval be given to the Evening and Night Time Economy Strategy and associated Action Plan.


Reason for the decision:

The Strategy will contribute towards the priority of maintaining a strong local economy (day and night time) and contribute towards maintaining Bury’s position as a premier destination for retail, leisure tourism and culture in line with the Council’s wider Vision, Purpose and Values.  


Other option considered and rejected:

To reject the recommendation.