Issue - decisions

Anti-Social Behaviour Progress Update and Revised Statement of Policy and Procedure

20/04/2016 - Anti-Social Behaviour Progress Update and Revised Statement of Policy and Procedure

The Lead Member for Community Safety submitted a report outlining progress on the use of powers and multi agency working arrangements and seeking approval for a revised statement of policy and procedure in relation to Anti-Social (ASB) Behaviour. The report included a number of recommendations to ensure that the Council is able to continue to develop a response to ASB within the capacity and resources available to local agencies. The report also outlined the work undertaken to tackle (ASB) following the implementation of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act, 2014.


Delegated decisions:


1.  That the progress made in the implementation of the new tools and powers, including the role of the Joint Engagement Team and the Cost Benefit Analysis undertaken by New Economy, be noted.

2.  That approval be given to continue work to embed and develop the new tools and powers in the Borough, including further development of a robust partnership performance framework for anti-social behaviour.

3.  That further consideration be given to the feasibility of Six Town Housing and other social landlords becoming direct agents of the Council for the purposes of issuing Community Protection Notices, in accordance with provisions within the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 and the Anti Social Behaviour (Designated Persons) Order, 2015. 

4.  That approval be given to the Community Safety Manager continuing to work with other Council departments to explore the potential use of Community Protection Notices.

5.  That approval be given for the Community Safety Manager to continue work with partners through the Joint Engagement Team to ensure effective planning for the conversion of Designated Public Place Orders into Public Space Protection Orders within the next two years (to ensure statutory compliance).

6.  That approval be given to the development of the Joint Engagement Team to ensure it enhances and supports the future locality working model being developed for Bury.

7.  That approval be given to the revised Anti-Social Behaviour statement of policy and procedure as detailed in Appendix B of the report submitted.


Reasons for the decision:

1.  The provisions of the Act enable the Council and its partners to tackle anti-social behaviour more effectively.

2.  Independent evaluation of the JET, including Cost Benefit Analysis, provides a strong basis upon which to support its ongoing development ( within the context of the future locality working model)

3.  The revised statement of Policy and Procedure will provide a framework to tackle ASB taking into account changes in legislation.  


Other option considered and rejected:

To reject the recommendations.