Issue - decisions

Greater Manchester Estates Work Stream - Memoranda of Understanding

11/10/2016 - Greater Manchester Estates Work Stream - Memoranda of Understanding

The Leader and Cabinet Member (Business Engagement and Regeneration) submitted a report providing an update on progress made with the Greater Manchester Estates work stream which forms part of the Enabling Better Care priority of the Health and Social Care Strategic Plan.


The report also sought approval to the Council’s participation in the production of two Memorandums of Understanding (MOU). The MOUs will establish a formal, but not legally binding, agreement between two or more parties that sets out clear principles and ways of working. New governance structures will enable the parties to work together to make decisions in relation to the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Estate that are strategically co-ordinated and aligned to maximise benefit across Greater Manchester.


The Memorandums of understanding will relate to


Delegated decision:


That approval be given to the two Memorandums of Understanding as detailed in Appendix 1 and 2 of the report submitted regarding the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Devolution - Estates

-      MoU – between Greater Manchester and National Bodies

-      MoU – between Greater Manchester Bodies.


Reason for the decision:

A Memoranda of Understanding will help it create a robust and consultative process for delivering the Estates Strategy.


Other option considered and rejected:

To reject the recommendation.