Issue - decisions

Highway Maintenance Strategy

02/08/2017 - Highway Maintenance Strategy

The Cabinet Member (Strategic Housing and Support Services) and Cabinet Member (Environment) submitted a report presenting the proposal to invest £10 million into the Highway Network within Bury over a three year period. The funding announcement was made at Council (Budget meeting) on 22 February 2017.  


Delegated decision:


1.   That approval be given to an additional capital allocation of £10m being made to the Council’s Highways planned maintenance budget over the three financial years 2017/2018, 2018/2019 and 2019/2020. 

2.   That the funding be allocated on the basis of a programme of identified works drawn up in accordance with the principles and methodology as explained in the report submitted and that existing annual Department of Transport funding be used to undertake cost effective interventions to prevent lengths of the network condition from dropping into the red band* (*requiring interventions such as road resurfacing).


Reasons for the decision:

The Council as a Highway Authority must meet its statutory duty under the Highways Act 1980 to maintain the highway in a fit state to accommodate the 'ordinary traffic which passes or maybe expected to pass' along them.


Other option considered and rejected:

That no increase be made to the Highways planned maintenance budget.


(Note: Councillor Daly voted against the recommendation and Councillor Pickstone abstained from voting on the recommendation.)