Issue - decisions

Bury Whole System Transformation: Development of One Commissioning Organisation

21/07/2017 - Bury Whole System Transformation: Development of One Commissioning Organisation

The Leader and Cabinet Member (Economic Growth and Human Resources) submitted a report outlining the programme structure for the development of a One Commissioning Organisation in Bury by April 2018 in line with the Bury Locality Plan and the Greater Manchester Transformation fund bid.


Delegated decisions:


1.  That the report be noted.

2.  That the planning framework for Whole System Transformation and the planned approach to the development of One Commissioning Organisation in Bury be endorsed.


Reason for the decision:

Failure to move the integration agenda forward represents a major organisational risk and jeopardises provision of services to residents.


Other option considered and rejected:

To reject the recommendations.