Issue - decisions

Parrenthorn High School - Proposal to Enlarge the School Premises

07/08/2017 - Parrenthorn High School - Proposal to Enlarge the School Premises

The Cabinet Member (Member for Children and Families) submitted a report seeking approval to increase the capacity of Parrenthorn High School. The demand for school places in Bury has increased over recent years and the forecast is for this to continue. Modelling of future demand has identified that pressure for secondary school places is more acute in the south of the borough. Parrenthorn High School has a Published Admission Number (PAN) of 840 compared with the average Bury secondary school PAN of 1000 number. The proposal would increase the PAN of the school to 1050 from September 2018.


It is proposed that construction of additional accommodation would take place for a new dedicated two storey science block building using funding from the Basic Need Grant. The funding for this was agreed by Cabinet on 28 June 2017.


In line with the statutory process a proposal making a prescribed alteration to a school was published on 8 June 2017 and invited comments from those affected by the proposal with a closing date of 7 July 2017.  Four objections were received and considered.


Delegated decision:


That approval be given to the proposal to increase the PAN of Parrenthorn High School to 1050 from September 2018.


Reason for the decision:

Bury Council has a statutory duty to ensure a sufficiency of school places in their area to meet the demand for places within the resident population.


Other option considered and rejected:

To reject the recommendation.