
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

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Decisions published

20/11/2024 - Authority to award a contract to procure and implement a Digital Social Care Record (DSCR) system for services within Bury intermediate care services. ref: 4188    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Health and Adult Care

Decision published: 14/01/2025

Effective from: 20/11/2024


The period covers November 2024 to November 2027 with an option to extend for a further 2 x 1-year periods.

Lead officer: Adrian Crook

01/10/2024 - Amendment to approved Delegated Power No 2242 “Invest to save proposal - Therapy posts to support care package reviews” ref: 4187    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Health and Adult Care

Decision published: 14/01/2025

Effective from: 01/10/2024


Amendment to approved Delegated Power No 2242.

Lead officer: Will Blandamer

22/08/2024 - Establishment of a permanent part time (22.5 hrs pw grade 9) Administration Manager within the Community Mental Health Team ref: 4186    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Health and Adult Care

Decision published: 14/01/2025

Effective from: 22/08/2024


To establish 1x permanent part time (22.5 hours grade 9) post of an Administration Manager within the CMHT to manage the existing Enquiry Referral Officers and PCFT admin. The proposal is to recruit via advert internally and externally.

Lead officer: Will Blandamer

13/11/2024 - DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST ref: 4185    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Council

Made at meeting: 13/11/2024 - Council

Decision published: 06/01/2025

Effective from: 13/11/2024


Councillor Lancaster declared a pecuniary interest in Agenda Item Notices of Motion (i) due to her owning a restaurant in the Borough and left the meeting for the consideration of the item.


Councillor Walmsley declared a personal in interest in Notices of Motion (ii) in view of her partner being a Trustee at the Fusilier’s Museum.


Councillor Vernon declared a personal in interest in Notices of Motion (ii) as a former Veteran and Policy Officer.


Councillor Staples Jones declared a personal in interest in Notices of Motion (ii) as an Army Reservist.


Councillor Simpson declared a personal in interest in Notices of Motion (ii) as an Chair of the Royal British Legion.


Councillor Grimshaw declared a personal in interest in Combined Authority and Questions to the Combined Authority representatives as an her daughter works for GMCA.




04/12/2024 - Corporate Structure Review Report ref: 4184    For Determination

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 04/12/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 06/01/2025

Effective from: 04/12/2024


The Leader and Cabinet Member for Strategic Growth presented the report which set out a series of proposed changes to the Council’s leadership arrangements and senior accountabilities which seek to achieve further efficiencies whilst assuring capacity and alignment to deliver.


It was noted that the report proposes to shift the Council’s organisational model from five to four delivery departments, integrating most of the services within the current Operations Department within the Business Growth and Infrastructure function, which will be renamed as the Place Department.


As part of these changes the Executive Director for Operations role will be deleted when the officer leaves the Council in April and the Leader placed on record thanks to Donna Ball for her leadership of the Department since 2020. During her time in Bury Donna has overseen the delivery of operational service throughout the Covid pandemic, including the provision of humanitarian aid, led a significant programme of modernisation of the Council’s waste management services and the growth of Bury’s internationally recognised Market. Donna will play a key role in helping to embed the new proposed arrangements over the first quarter of next year.


Cllr Bernstein sought reassurance on the recruitment and selection for the Executive Director role. In response the Leader assured Members that the distribution of services across the Council was a strong model and will bring together core services.


All members placed on record their tribute to the dedication and service delivery of Donna Ball, Executive Director of Operations.


Councillor Morris, reminded all members that voting is live for Britan’s favourite Market: Vote for Britain's Favourite Market - NABMA





  1. Approved the following structural changes as a basis for Consultation with affected staff:


A)   The deletion of the post of Executive Director (Operations) upon the departure of the current postholder on 6 April 2025


B)   The establishment of a new post of Director (Place Operations) at Chief Officer Band D (£85,962-£93,267) reporting to the Executive Director (Place) with leadership accountability for the StreetScene and Engineers, Waste and Transport and Commercial Services functions with the Heads of Service for these functions reporting directly to the new Director.


C)   The transfer of the posts of Head of Wellness and their areas of responsibility to the leadership of the Director of Public Health in the Health and Care Department.


D)   The transfer of the posts of Head of Facilities Management and their areas of responsibility to the leadership of the Director of Regeneration and Project Delivery within the Business, Growth and Infrastructure Department.


E)   The redesignation of the post of Assistant Director (Operations Strategy) to Assistant Director (Public Protection & Community Safety) and transfer of this post to the Corporate Core under the direct leadership of the Executive Director (Strategy & Transformation). As well as their existing leadership accountability for Public Protection the Operations Safety & Resilience Manager and Operations & Emergency Response Managers will move to report to this post.


  1. Delegate authority to the Chief Executive and Leader of the Council in consultation with the Cabinet Members for HR and Corporate Affairs, Director of People and Inclusion and Monitoring Officer to consider responses received from the consultation and produce a final version of the structure for implementation.


  1. Subject to consultation and implementation, the Monitoring Officer progresses any necessary changes to delegations within the Council’s constitution.


  1. Agree that, subject to consultation and implementation of the above proposals, the Executive Director (Operations) will continue to report directly to the Chief Executive and provide specialist support to the development of proposed new operating arrangements and key corporate projects until their Departure on 6 April 2025.


  1. Agree that, subject to consultation and implementation of the above proposals, the Assistant Director (Operations) will be assimilated into the post of Director of Operations, reporting to the Executive Director (Place), to oversee the StreetScene and Engineers, Waste and Transport and Commercial Services functions as well as providing transition support to their other areas of responsibility.


  1. Note the positive outcomes of the LGA Corporate Peer Challenge re-visit in October and the progress made on the Council’s response to the original Peer Challenge.


  1. Agree that, to take account of the proposed changes, the current Business Growth and Infrastructure Department be renamed as the Place Department to take account of the revised accountability. 


Reasons for recommendation(s):


To support delivery of the Corporate Plan and LET’S Do It, it is crucial that the Council has an organisational delivery model which effectively aligns resources to its priorities and support joined-up working between Departments and across the Council as a whole. In the challenging budget context, the Council must seek to take all opportunities to realise savings through the rationalisation of leadership posts by reviewing and revising portfolios whilst also ensuring sufficient capacity to deliver.


Alternative options considered and rejected:


Maintaining the current structural arrangements. This is not viable in the current financial context and would not present the best future delivery model for the Council.


Lead officer: Caroline Schofield