
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

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Decisions published

25/03/2024 - Project Support Officer - Adult Social Care ref: 4096    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Health and Adult Care

Decision published: 19/06/2024

Effective from: 25/03/2024


There are significant implications attached to a Care Quality Commission (CQC) assessment rating outcome including potential government intervention for those local authorities deemed ’inadequate.’

Lead officer: Will Blandamer

21/03/2024 - Handyperson Service – Age UK Bury Grant Extension ref: 4081    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Health and Adult Care

Decision published: 30/04/2024

Effective from: 21/03/2024


Age UK Bury currently delivers a small Handyperson service at a cost of £38k per year. It is currently funded via the Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) up until 31 March 2024.

Lead officer: Will Blandamer

25/03/2024 - Procurement of Drees & Sommer (AA projects) via a direct award against lot 8 SBS framework, to develop schedules for the c.60 building owned by Bury Council for the Smaller Sites Disposal Project ref: 4080    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Operations

Decision published: 30/04/2024

Effective from: 25/03/2024


The Smaller Sites Disposal Project requires a Strategic Consultant to develop schedules for the c.60 building owned by Bury Council with a remit to offer recommendations to either:
? Retain for Council services usage.
? Demolish, clear and sell land.
? Demolish, clear and retain land (for instance buildings in public parks)
? Conditional Land Sale
? Unconditional Land Sale
? Transfer to a community group (who have credible plan to manage and maintain buildings

Lead officer: Paul Lakin

03/04/2024 - URGENT BUSINESS - 6 month rule ref: 4078    Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

Decision Maker: Standards Committee

Made at meeting: 03/04/2024 - Standards Committee

Decision published: 04/04/2024

Effective from: 03/04/2024


Following agreement with the Chair, the Head of Democratic Services presented a report to Members present in relation to the failure of a Member to attend a meeting for 6 months.


The Head of Democratic Services reported that:


Councillor Mason has not attended any council meeting since the 12th October 2024. There hasn’t been any reasons given for his lack of attendance at meetings despite numerous contact being sent by the Democratic Services team.


There was a Council meeting on the 20th March 2024. Were Cllr Mason to have attended this meeting, there would not have been any failure to attend a council meeting throughout a period of six consecutive months within the meaning of s 85(1) of the Local Government Act 1972 (“LGA 1972”).


Section.85 of the Local Government Act 1972 states that when a Council Member fails to attend any meeting for six consecutive months from the date of their last attendance, they cease to be a member of the authority, unless the Council accepts a reason for the failure to attend before the six months period expires.


Councillor Mason has not applied to Council for a dispensation prior to the expiry of the six month period.


If a Member once loses their office through failure to attend for the six months period, the disqualification cannot be overcome by the Member subsequently resuming attendance.


Councillor Mason is not currently a member of any committee, sub-committee, joint committee, joint board or other body (within the meaning of s 85(2) of the LGA 1972).


It follows from that as things stand Cllr Mason will fall foul of s 85(1) of the LGA 1972 on the 12th April 2024.  


It was agreed that:


The Standards Committee notes that as of the 12th April 2024, 6 months will have passed since Councillor Mason last attended a meeting of the authority, at the time of writing, no request has been made for an extension of the 6 month rule, prior to the end of the six month period.