Councillor Debbie Quinn

Profile image for Councillor Debbie Quinn

Party: Labour

Ward: Sedgley

Other councillors representing this Ward:

Contact information

Correspondence address: 
c/o Town Hall
Knowsley Street

Phone:  01617988209


Download Councillor Debbie Quinn contact details as VCard

Committee appointments

Terms of Office

  • 10/05/2021 - 04/05/2022
  • 05/05/2022 - 04/05/2023
  • 05/05/2023 - 06/05/2027

Appointments to outside bodies

Protecting your Personal Data

The legislation which we will use to protect your information is the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) and is supplemented by the updated UK Data Protection Act 2018. This legislation places obligations on us as Councillors (as a data controller) and strengthens the rights that individuals have over the processing of their personal information. For further information about what personal information I process on your behalf and what I do with it please open the document “Councillor Activity Privacy Notice”. Information about your individual rights can be found on the Council’s website:

You can also obtain full information about your rights from the Information Commissioner’s Office (the ICO). The ICO is the UK's independent regulator responsible for upholding and enforcing the rights of individuals under data protection law.

Privacy Notice