Meeting documents

Wednesday, 27th June, 2007 7.00 pm

Wednesday, 27th June, 2007
7.00 pm
Council Chamber, Town Hall, Bury

Attendance Details

The Worshipful the Mayor (Councillor F A Chaudhry) in the Chair;
Councillors D M Ashworth, P Ashworth, K Audin, L E Baucutt, R L Baum, C A Berry, R A Bibby, D B Bigg, D Boden, K S Briggs, J Byrne, W A Campbell, D M Cassidy, T P Chamberlain, S Cohen, M Connolly, S Costello, Y Creswell, A J Cummings, V D D’Albert, W J Davison, A J Garner, A S Garner, I B Gartside, J Grimshaw, D L Gunther, M Hankey, D M Higgin, T Holt, A Isherwood, S P Magnall, A K Matthews, D O’Hanlon, S P Penketh, T D Pickstone, P H Redstone, K Rothwell, J Smith, S J Southworth, B J Sullivan, J W H Taylor, B Theckston, B Vincent, R E Walker, J F Walton, M J Wiseman, S D Wright and Y S Wright
10 members of the public attended the meeting
Apologies for absence:
Councillors R C A Brown and M A Gibb
Item Description Decision

1. That the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 16 May 2007 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Mayor.

2. That the Head of Democratic Services be asked to report to the Leader of the Council on the appointments required to the Greater Manchester Passenger Transport User Forum.

3. That the Leader of the Council be requested to further consider the membership of the Corporate Joint Consultative Committee 2007/2008.

That the recommendations contained in Minute EX.86 concerning the Children and Young People’s Plan 2007-2010, be approved and adopted.

1. That the Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report 2006/2007 be approved and adopted.

2. That the appreciation of the Council be extended to all Members of Scrutiny Commissions, Chairs and Supporting Officers for the excellence of their contributions recognised in this Annual Report.

To debate the following Notices of Motion both of which relate to the proposed Congestion Charging proposed by the Association of Greater Manchester Authorities received in accordance with Rule 12 of the Council Procedure Rules in the Council Constitution:-

That the Motion referred to in (B) above incorporating the agreed alteration, be approved and adopted.

1. That the recommendations be approved and adopted.

2. That the Independent Remuneration Panel be asked to consider the payment of allowances in respect of broadband internet connections for Members to support their Council work.
The meeting started at 7.00pm and ended at 9.25pm


C.106Councillor Penketh declared a Prejudicial Interest in the written question raised by Councillor Campbell in relation to the proposed Composting Plant at Bradley Fold. (Minute C (111 ) below), as an employee of a company engaged as Consultants for the project.
C.108There were no communications to consider.
C.109No questions were asked by Members of the Public present at the meeting.
C.110Minute EX.86 of the meeting of the Executive held on 20 June 2007 - The Children and Young People’s Plan 2007-2010.

It was moved by Councillor Bibby and seconded by Councillor Creswell and it was:-
C.111The Leader of the Council, Councillor R A Bibby, made a statement on the work of the Executive.

The Leader and the relevant Executive members answered questions raised by Members on the following issues:-

(a) Written Questions (Notice Given)

1. Issue: 1. Governance of the Association of Greater Manchester Authorities 2. Composition of Policy Area Boards
Questioner: Councillor Pickstone
Answered by
(and action): Councillor Bibby

2. Issue: 1. Lease of the Longfield Centre 2. Organisation of a meeting of all interested parties to discuss empty properties at the Centre
Questioner: Councillor S D Wright
Answered by (and action): Councillor Redstone

3. Issue: 1. Area Kickstart and Cleaner, Safer, Greener funding 2. Urban Regeneration Funding in the Rainsough area
Questioner: Councillor A S Garner
Answered by
(and action): Councillor Redstone

4. Issue: Creative Industries in Bury
Questioner: Councillor Baum
Answered by (and action): Councillor Gartside

5. Issue: Governance arrangements of host schools of Children’s Centres
Questioner: Councillor A J Garner
Answered by (and action): Councillor D M Ashworth

6. Issue: Agreement of the fee levels with Bury Care Homes for the Elderly
Questioner: Councillor Chamberlain
Answered by (and action): Councillor Sullivan

7. Issue: 1. Use of open spaces in the Borough. 2.Resources available to enforce environmental protection
Questioner: Councillor Briggs
Answered by (and action): Councillor Gunther

8. Issue: 1. Corporate Complaints Procedure 2.Possible resultant Disciplinary action
Questioner: Councillor Smith
Answered by (and action): Councillor Creswell

9. Issue: Environmental issues relating to the Rock Triangle development and the pond at Townside Fields
Questioner: Councillor Boden
Answered by (and action): Councillor Gunther

10. Issue: 1. Proposed Composting Plant at Bradley Fold Trading Estate 2.Quality of information released on this proposed development
Questioner: Councillor Campbell
Answered by (and action): Councillor Bibby
(Chief Executive to investigate the allegations now made relating to the content and sources of press statements on this issue)

(b) Oral Questions submitted at the meeting without notice

11. Issue: 1. The number of Council Tax Payers aged 65 or over claiming the age-related Tax reductions 2. Whether these reductions would be continued into 2008/2009
Questioner: Councillor Connolly
Answered by (and action): Councillor Redstone

12. Issue: 1. Revised plan of the Rock Triangle development 2. Protection of the Millgate Precinct from possible commercial decline
Questioner: Councillor Isherwood
Answered by (and action): Councillor Bibby

13. Issue: 1. Criteria for making Compulsory Redundancies
2. Consultations being undertaken prior to further report
Questioner: Councillor Holt
Answered by
(and action): Councillor Bibby

14. Issue: 1. Anti-Social Behaviour and the number of Dispersal Orders made 2.Alternative means to tackle Anti-Social Behaviour
Questioner: Councillor Cummings
Answered by (and action): Councillor Wiseman

15. Issue: 1. Cleanliness of the Borough 2. Budgetary provision for street cleansing
Questioner: Councillor Byrne
Answered by (and action): Councillor Gunther

16. Issue: Agreement between the Greater Manchester Councils for a joint waste disposal scheme, and the formula for the allocation of costs amongst the signatory Councils under this agreement.
Questioner: Councillor Boden
Answered by (and action): Councillor Bibby (to provide a copy of the report to Councillor Boden)

17. Issue: Most appropriate Forum for discussing methods of tackling Anti-Social Behaviour
Questioner: Councillor Isherwood
Answered by (and action): Councillor Wiseman
C.112There were no Scrutiny Review Reports or specific items ‘called in’ by Scrutiny Commissions to be considered at this Council Meeting.
C.113In accordance with Minute C.06 of the last meeting of the Council, consideration was given to the draft Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report 2006/2007.

It was moved by Councillor Smith and seconded by Councillor Davison that the report be approved and adopted.

On being put, with none dissenting it was:-
C.114Two Notices of Motion had been received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 12 both relating to Congestion Charging proposed by the Association of Greater Manchester Authorities.

(A) it was moved by Councillor Pickstone and seconded by Councillor D’Albert that the following Motion be approved:-

“This Council notes:

1. The Association of Greater Manchester Authorities (AGMA) has outlined proposals to bid to Government for a scheme that would be dependent on a congestion-charging scheme for motorists applying to roads connecting Bury to Manchester.

This Council supports:

1. The principle of shifting taxation, where appropriate, to tackle environmental issues.

2. Increased investment in public transport and an increase in the availability and access to good quality and affordable public transport.

This Council has significant concerns with the proposed scheme, specifically the scheme :

1. Will impose significant financial penalties on those citizens of the Borough travelling to and from Manchester to go to work. The poorest and those with least flexible working arrangements will be hit hardest.

2. Will divide communities by introducing a charge for many local journeys within the Borough - in particular, between Whitefield and Prestwich.

3. Does not address the environmental impact of the M60 motorway - particularly to those residents of the Borough living nearby, such as poor air quality and noise pollution.

4. Does not provide sufficient public transport development across the Borough as a whole - in particular transport corridors to the north of the Town Centre.

5. Is being proposed with insufficient clarification on details including parking schemes, “rat runs”, cost of collection and routes to be covered.

Council therefore resolves to:

1. Oppose the congestion charge scheme as outlined in the current proposals.

2. Work with Government and neighbouring authorities to find ways to support an environmentally sustainable and high quality public transport infrastructure that will entice people from their cars.

3. Work with government and neighbouring authorities to explore alternative ways to improve air quality and reduce congestion in the Borough.”

In the names of Councillors Baum, D’Albert, Davison, A J Garner, A S Garner, O’Hanlon, Pickstone and S D Wright.

At the conclusion of the debate on this Motion it was moved by Councillor Bibby and seconded by Councillor Creswell that the question be now put.

With 39 voting for, 8 against with 2 abstentions the Motion was declared carried.

The Substantive Motion was then put and with 8 for, 40 against and with 1 abstention, the Substantive Motion was declared lost

(B) It was moved by Councillor Campbell and seconded by Councillor Connolly that the following Motion be approved:-

“This Labour Group calls upon the Council to be allowed to debate and come to a conclusion on the proposed traffic congestion charging scheme being proposed by AGMA.

We the Labour Group do not feel that the 4 tests devised by AGMA to allow the TIF bid to be put forward have been successfully incorporated in the proposals.

We ask that this Council undertakes its own consultation with its electorate and only following that consultation should we be able to come to a view and instruct our delegates on the PTA and at AGMA this Councils wishes.”

Councillor Campbell sought the permission of the Council under Procedure Rule 14.7, as the mover of the above Motion, to alter the Motion by way of the deletion of the words “the PTA and at” from the last line to correct a factual inaccuracy.

The Council agreed without comment.

An amendment was moved by Councillor Bibby and seconded by Councillor Creswell that all of the words of the Motion be deleted and replaced by the following words:-

“The Association of Greater Manchester Authorities (AGMA) has outlined proposals to bid to Government for a scheme that would be dependent on a congestion charging scheme for motorists applying to roads connecting Bury to Manchester.

This Council supports:

1. Increased investment in public transport and an increase in the availability and access to good quality and affordable public transport.

2. The principle of shifting taxation, where appropriate, to tackle environmental issues.

However, we do not believe the current proposals have the detail necessary to satisfy the tests devised by AGMA.

In particular, there is no proposal to regulate the motorway or to provide quality public transport to move people from the north of the Borough and beyond, without using a car.

We therefore agree to discuss this issue at a future Council meeting once the outcome of discussions with the Department of Transport are known and before any support is given to the principle of congestion charging.”

As part of the debate on the Motion, the Leader of the Council undertook to discuss with the Opposition Groups all relevant issues prior to further consideration by the Council.

On being put, 48 voted for with the Mayor abstaining, the amendment was declared carried and it was:-
C.115Consideration was given to a report incorporating the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel in respect of:-

(i) The payment of Special Responsibility Allowances to the Council’s representatives on the Greater Manchester Waste Disposal Authority.

(ii) The payment of Subsistence Allowances.

(iii) Allowances for Chairs of Local Area Partnerships.

It was moved by Councillor Bibby and seconded by Councillor Creswell that the recommendations be approved and adopted.

On being put, with non dissenting it was:-
C.116(a) Councillor Walton, the Council’s representative on the Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Authority, gave an oral report on the work of that particular Joint Authority.

(b) There were no written questions submitted in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11.2 relating to the functions of the Joint Authorities.
C.117There were no written questions on the work of outside bodies or partnerships on which the Council is represented submitted in accordance with the Council Procedure Rule 11.2.