Meeting documents

Wednesday, 28th February, 2007 7.00 pm

Wednesday, 28th February, 2007
Council Chamber Town Hall Bury

Attendance Details

The Worshipful the Mayor (Councillor J F Walton) in the Chair; Councillors D M Ashworth, P Ashworth, K Audin, L E Baucutt, C A Berry, R A Bibby, D B Bigg, D Boden, E B Briggs, K S Briggs, R C A Brown, J Byrne, G Campbell, W A Campbell, D M Cassidy, T P Chamberlain, F A Chaudhry, S Cohen, M Connolly, S Costello, Y Creswell, A J Cummings, V D D’Albert, W J Davison, A J Garner, A S Garner, I B Gartside, M A Gibb, E K Grime, D L Gunther, M Hankey, D M Higgin, T Holt, A Isherwood, S P Magnall, A K Matthews, D O’Hanlon, T D Pickstone, P H Redstone, K Rothwell, G Sharkey, J Smith, S J Southworth, B J Sullivan, J W H Taylor, B Theckston, B Vincent, M J Wiseman and Y S Wright
30 members of the public attended the meeting
Apologies for absence:
Councillor R E Walker
Item Description Decision

That the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 7 February 2007 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Mayor.


That, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 13(c), the Order of Business be varied accordingly.

1. That the recommendations contained in Minute EX.890 of the meeting of the Executive held on 14 February 2007 concerning the Housing Revenue Account 2007/2008, be approved and adopted.

2. That the recommendations contained in Minute EX.889 of the meeting of the Executive held on 14 February 2007 as amended at (B) above, be approved and adopted.

3. That the recommendations of the Executive contained in Minute EX.888 be approved and adopted.
The meeting started at 7.00 pm and ended at 9.45 pm


C.1048(a) Councillors E B Briggs, W J Davison, E K Grime, D L Gunther and J Smith all declared personal interests in Minute C.1052(a) below (Housing Revenue Account 2007/2008) as Members of the Board of Six Town Housing Limited.

(b) Councillors K Rothwell and G Sharkey both declared personal interests in Minute C.1052(a) below (Housing Revenue Account 2007/2008) as tenants of Council properties.
C.1049The Worshipful the Mayor informed the Council of the recent death of Mr James A McDonald, the former Chief Executive of this Council from 1974 until his retirement in 1988. Following his retirement Mr McDonald continued to be actively involved in many local statutory bodies and charitable organisations. He had received the honour of an appointment as a Deputy Lieutenant of Greater Manchester in 1994.

The condolences of the Council and the Metropolitan Borough had been conveyed to Mrs McDonald and members of her family.

The Council stood in silence as a mark of respect and in remembrance of Mr McDonald.

The Mayor congratulated Councillor Byrne on the occasion of his birthday today.

The Mayor congratulated the Bury Times journalist, Peter Doherty, who had recently been voted the Newsquest’s Weekly Newspaper Journalist of the Year.
C.1050Questions were asked on the following issues during Public Question Time:-

(a) Mr G Ramsey, representing Radcliffe Sports Advisory Forum, referred to the development of Radcliffe Riverside High School and the consequential loss of indoor sports facilities.

Councillor Gibb, Executive Member for Children and Young People, responded to the question.

(b) Mr S Treadgold referred to the need to take out Bonds of Completion for large capital schemes being undertaken by the Council.

Councillor Connolly, Executive Member for Quality Council (Resource and Performance) reported that, where appropriate, the Council executes such Bonds for Capital schemes.
C.1051It was moved by the Worshipful the Mayor and seconded by Councillor W A Campbell that the Order of Business be varied to enable the recommendations of the Executive referred to in Minute C.1052 below, to be considered in the following order; the Housing Revenue Account 2007/2008; the Budget 2007/2008 and Treasury Management Strategy and Prudential Indicators 2007/2008.

On being put, with none dissenting, it was:-
C.1052(a) Minute EX.890 of the Executive held on 14 February 2007 - Housing Revenue Account 2007/2008

At the invitation of the Mayor, Councillor K S Briggs, Executive Member for Learning, Skills and Employment, made a Statement on the Housing Revenue Account for 2007/2008.

It was moved by Councillor W A Campbell and seconded by Councillor K S Briggs.

(b)Minute EX.889 of the Executive held on 14 February 2007 - Budget 2007/2008

At the invitation of the Mayor, Councillor Connolly, Executive Member for Quality Council (Resource and Performance), made a Statement on the Budget 2007/2008.

(A) It was moved by Councillor W A Campbell and seconded by Councillor Connolly that the recommendation contained in Minute EX.889 of the Executive held on 14 February 2007 be approved and adopted subject to the following amendment:-

(i) the deletion of the following words:-

“1. That the report be noted and the Council requested to consider and determine all matters relating to the Budget, the Capital Programme and the level of the Council Tax for 2007/2008 at its meeting on 28 February 2007.”

(ii) the addition of the following words:-

“Capital Programme

1. That the Capital Programme for 2007/2008 and future years, shown in Appendix B be approved;
2. That the shortfall in resources identified in paragraph 4.15 of the report be met by the use of prudential borrowing totalling £0.228m and by slippage of £0.600m;
3. That the proposed financing of the Capital Programme set out in paragraph 3.6 of the report be approved subject to the amendments in 2. above;
4. That the use of £2.809m of capital receipts and Capital Reserve contributions to support the Programme be noted;
5. That the risk assessment set out in section 6 of the report be noted and the risk mitigation actions be approved.

Revenue Budget

6. That the details of the final Revenue Support Grant Settlement for 2007/2008 be noted;
7. That the forecast Collection Fund position as at 31 March 2007 be noted;
8. That the minimum level of balances to be retained is confirmed at £3,400,000;
9. That the level of repayment of principal on General Fund debt at the minimum of 4% be approved;
10. That it be noted that under delegated powers the Director of Finance and E-Government calculated the amount of 58,959.36 as the Council Tax Base for the year 2007/2008 in accordance with the Local Government Act 2003 and with Regulations made under Section 33(5) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992;
11. That the forecast outturn position for 2006/2007 be noted;
12. That the ‘Golden Rules’ set out in paragraph 4.3 be reaffirmed;
13. That the recommendations of the Schools’ Forum around education funding issues be noted;
14. That the statements by the Director of Finance and E-Government on the robustness of budget assumptions and on the minimum level of balances be noted and endorsed;
15. That the Revenue Budget for 2007/2008 of £129.776m as set out in paragraph 4.6.2 of the report, be approved subject to the following amendments;

Net Budget £129.776(m)
One-off savings (paragraph 7.5) £1.000(m)
On-going savings (paragraph 7.6) £6.795(m) (total £-7.795(m))
Contribution to Priority Investment Reserve £1.900(m)
Surplus savings added to Priority Investment Reserve £0.521(m) (total £2.421(m))
Priority developments (as recommended at the Council meeting):
Savings not accepted (marked with * in Appendix C) £0.710(m)
Age of Opportunities initiative £0.380(m)
Council Tax reduction for over 65s £0.150(m)
Commissioning Team for Adult Care Services £0.230(m)
Enhanced foster care payments £0.580(m)
Climate Change initiatives and incentives £0.073(m)
Contribution to the Book Fund £0.037(m)
International Relations (match funding) £0.003(m) (total £2.163(m))
Contribution from PIR to fund priority developments £2.163(m)
Contribution from PIR to fund 0.1% reduction in Council Tax rise £0.032(m) (TOTAL £-2.195(m))
NET BUDGET £124.370 (m)

16. That the following recommendations in relation to the Revenue Budget and Council Tax for 2007/2008 be approved:

1. That the following amounts be now calculated by the Council for the year 2007/2008 in accordance with Sections 32 to 36 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992: -

(a) £386,250,000 being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 32(2)(a) to (e) of the Act;

(b) £261,880,000 being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 32(3)(a) to (c) of the Act;

(c) £124,370,000 being the amount by which the aggregate at 2(a) above exceeds the aggregate at 2(b) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 32(4) of the Act, as its budget requirement for the year;

(d) £58,069,000 being the aggregate of the sums which the Council estimates will be payable for the year into its General Fund in respect of redistributed Non-domestic Rates and Revenue Support Grant, increased by the amount of the sums which the Council estimates will be transferred in the year from its Collection Fund to its General Fund;

(e) £66,301,000 being the amount at 2(c) above less the amount at 2(d) above, all divided by the Council Tax Base of 58,959.36, calculated by the Council in accordance with Section 33(1) of the Act as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year; and

(f) Valuation Bands

A £749.68
B £874.63
C £999.57
D £1124.52
E £1374.41
F £1624.31
G £1874.20
H £2249.04

being the amounts given by multiplying the amount at 2(e) above by the number which, in the proportion set out in Section 5(1) of the Act, is applicable to dwellings listed in a particular valuation band divided by the number which in that proportion is applicable to dwellings listed in Valuation Band D, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 36(1) of the Act, as the amounts to be taken into account for the year in respect of categories of dwellings listed in different valuation bands.

2. That it be noted that for the year 2007/2008 the Greater Manchester Police Authority and the Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Authority have stated the following amounts in precepts issued to the Council, in accordance with Section 40 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, for each of the categories of the dwellings shown below:

A £77.46
B £90.37
C £103.28
D £116.19
E £142.01
F £167.83
G £193.65
H £232.38

A £32.00
B £37.33
C £42.66
D £48.00
E £58.66
F £69.33
G £80.00
H £96.00

3. That, having calculated the aggregate in each case of the amounts at 1(f) and 2 above, the Council, in accordance with Section 30(2) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, hereby sets the following amounts as the amounts of Council Tax for the year 2007/2008 for each of the categories of dwellings shown below:

A £859.14
B £1002.33
C £1145.51
D £1288.71
E £1575.08
F £1861.47
G £2147.85
H £2577.42

17. That, in accordance with Section 13A of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, the Council will reduce the amounts of Council Tax for the year 2007/2008 for persons who are:

(i) Liable on 1 April 2007 to pay Council Tax either jointly or in their own right by being an owner occupier or tenant of a dwelling within the Bury MBC boundary, which is their sole or main residence;
(ii) Aged 65 or over on 1 April 2007 and
(iii) Not in receipt of Council Tax Benefit on 1 April 2007.

In respect of people falling into the above categories the Council hereby indicates the following amounts as the amounts of Council Tax for the year 2007/08 for each of the categories of dwellings shown below:

A £77.46
B £90.37
C £103.28
D £116.19
E £142.01
F £167.83
G £193.65
H £232.38

A £32.00
B £37.33
C £42.66
D £48.00
E £58.66
F £69.33
G £80.00
H £96.00

A £733.32
B £855.54
C £977.76
D £1099.98
E £1344.42
F £1588.86
G £1833.30
H £2199.96

A £842.78
B £983.24
C £983.24
D £1264.17
E £1545.09
F £1826.02
G £2106.95
H £2528.34

18. That, in making the necessary decisions, the Council has taken into account the results of the budget consultation process and the budget position for 2008/2009 and future years, as outlined in sections 11 and 12 of the report submitted.”

(B) A further amendment was moved by Councillor Pickstone and seconded by Councillor Davison by way of the addition of the following:-

“That a further on-going allocation of £170,000 be made from the balance remaining in the Priority Investment Reserve to allow the roll out of recycling to the remaining 28,000 properties in the Borough on a 4-weekly basis during 2007/2008.”

Following a short adjournment and on being put, 49 voted for, none against with the Mayor abstaining, the amendment was declared carried.

The substantive motion on being put and before the counting of votes, 8 Members requested that the voting be recorded so as to show how each Member cast their vote.

The result of the voting was as follows:-

For the substantive Motion:

Councillors Audin, Baucutt, Boden, E B Briggs, K S Briggs, Byrne, G Campbell, W A Campbell, Cassidy, Chamberlain, Chaudhry, Connolly, Costello, Cummings, D’Albert, Davison, A J Garner, A S Garner, Gibb, Grime, Holt, Isherwood, Matthews, O’Hanlon, Pickstone, Rothwell, Sharkey, Smith and Southworth (29)

Against the substantive Motion:


Abstaining from the vote:

The Worshipful the Mayor and Councillors D Ashworth, P Ashworth, Berry, Bibby, Bigg, Brown, Cohen, Creswell, Gartside, Gunther, Hankey, Higgin, Magnall, Redstone, Sullivan, Taylor, Theckston, Vincent, Wiseman and Wright (21)

The substantive Motion was declared carried.

(c) Minute EX.888 of the Executive held on 14 February 2007 - Treasury Management Strategy and Prudential Indicators 2007/2008

It was moved by Councillor W A Campbell and seconded by Councillor Connolly, that the recommendations contained in Minute EX.888 of the Executive held on 14 February 2007, be approved and adopted.

On being put with none dissenting and the Mayor abstaining, the Motion was declared carried and it was

C.1053There were no questions asked on the delegated decisions of the Executive or the Resource and Performance Scrutiny Commission contained in the Minutes in Digest of Decisions II (2006/2007).