Venue: Meeting Rooms A & B - Town Hall. View directions
Contact: Andrea Tomlinson Democratic Services
No. | Item |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee are asked to consider whether they have an interest in any matters on the agenda and, if so, to formally declare that interest. Minutes: Councillor Leach declared a personal interest in any item relating the NHS as she works for Healthy Minds adults service.
PUBLIC QUESTION TIME A period of 30 minutes has been set aside for members of the public to ask questions on matters considered at the last meeting and set out in the minutes or on the agenda for tonight’s meeting. Minutes: There were no questions asked under this item.
Minutes of Previous Meeting PDF 77 KB Minutes: It was agreed:
That, the Minutes of the Last Meeting held on 13 February 2019 be approved as a correct record.
CORPORATE PERFORMANCE QUARTER 2 PDF 91 KB A report from the Leader of the Council is attached. Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Shori, Leader of the Council presented a report providing Members with an update on performance in line with Team Bury’s Single Outcomes Framework.
It was explained that under each of the single framework outcomes are a series of indicators and performance measures. These collectively contribute towards the delivery of the respective outcome.
The report and appendices detailed a number of areas where performance has improved or is at a high level and also made reference to areas of performance that were less positive.
It was explained that where performance was declining or below target or another relevant comparator, work would take place to understand what was required to improve performance. This would be done by understanding the partners involved, the true reasons as to why the data was as it was and assess what would be required to improve performance.
It was also reported that work was being carried out within several areas of the Council in relation to refreshing strategies and performance arrangements.
Those present were invited to ask questions or make comments and the following points were raised:
· Councillor Caserta referred to the average progress 8 score per pupil and the fact that Ofsted had been downgrading schools. Councillor Caserta asked what was being done to improve on this.
Councillor Shori explained that a new Ofsted framework was being introduced and the LEA would be working alongside this with schools as soon as it was known what the framework was.
Work was being carried out closely between the LEA and schools to improve. Schools were also working with each other collaboratively to bring down exclusions. Bury had had one of the highest rates of exclusions in the country in 2016/2017 and this had been turned around with no exclusions during the first term of the current academic year.
· Councillor Caserta asked whether the work that had been done around exclusions would lead to problems further down the line.
Councillor Shori explained that schools were working in collaboration with each other as well as with the Council, CCG as well as support from mental health professionals to ensure that problems weren’t being moved around but were being dealt with as early as possible.
· Councillor S Smith stated that permanent exclusion was sometimes the only option and schools should be able to take this route if it was felt that was the only option. Schools offered a unique role in the community and needed to be supported.
Councillor Shori explained that the Local Care Organisation (LCO) had been launched on 1 April 2019 and was a one commissioning organisation for the borough. This was at the cutting edge of public service reform.
· Councillor L Smith asked whether there had been any increase in the number of pupils ‘off rolled’ from the borough schools.
Councillor Shori stated that he did not have the figures relating to this but would ensure that the Committee received them.
· Councillor L Smith asked what the Council was doing in relation to childhood obesity especially ... view the full minutes text for item OSC.428 |
Report attached. Councillor Quinn will report at the meeting. Minutes: Councillor Quinn and Dave Giblin attended the meeting to give an update on the shortfalls in income relating to off street parking.
It was explained that some factors that contributed to the overspend of £270, 000 included the suspension of parking for events, an uptake in the staff parking permit scheme, a decrease in the number of Council’s off street parking and an increase in privately operated car parks, unrestricted road space on the town’s outskirts, parking in Radcliffe and using the Metrolink to Bury, asset condition and private car parks.
Work was being carried out to improve the income from car parks and this included smarter parking enforcement, asset renewal and town centre car parking strategy.
Those present were given the opportunity to ask questions and make comments and the following points were raised:
· Councillor Caserta asked whether there would be any possibility of agreeing a better deal with NSL?
It was explained that NSL worked with 9 out of the 10 GM authorities and had a good track record, they had a good working relationship with the Council and were very proactive. The NSL contract had another year left to run and at this point the Council would look to renegotiate with NSL and have discussions with other providers.
Dave explained that there were two strands to parking, free parking to help local businesses and charging as an income. There were also issues to consider such as time restricted parking which helped local businesses
· Councillor Leach asked who absorbed lost charges when parking was suspended.
Dave explained that it was his service that absorbed the losses but it was felt that the events should be encouraged to promote the town in general.
Councillor Quinn stated that during the Parklife weekend Manchester City Council would pay for NSL officers to attend the local area and carry out enforcement and the income from this was paid to Bury Council.
· Councillor James referred to the reference made to district parking and asked if this was a realistic option.
Dave stated that it was always an option but was not a likely one.
· Councillor L Smith referred to the current climate of change, when air quality was a major environmental issue and asked whether the provision of car parking was at odds with this as we should be encouraging walking and green public transport.
Councillor Quinn agreed that a culture change was needed and the GM Clean Air Plan was looking at this with the promotion of cleaner, greener public transport and electric vehicles. Dave reported that the Council would need to update car parks and provide charging points to promote the use of electric vehicles and this was something that was being reviewed as a way forward.
It was agreed:
1. That the contents of the report be noted.
2. That Councillor Quinn and Dave Giblin be thanked for their attendance at the meeting.
SAFEGUARDING SUB GROUP PDF 71 KB Councillor Susan Southworth will report at the meeting.
Report attached. Minutes: Councillor Susan Southworth, Chair of the Children’s Safeguarding Overview Project Group attended the meeting to update the Committee on the work of the project group.
Councillor Southworth thanked Julie Gallagher, Democratic Services for the quick turnaround in producing the report following the last meeting of the Sub Group which had been held on 2 April 2019.
It was explained that the group had been established to review services available to Bury residents to ensure that those services were meeting the needs and requirements of their users and future users.
The group was made up of a number of Councillors who each had their own knowledge in relation to safeguarding from being ex police, teacher or school governors and working first had in children’s services.
During the 2018/2019 Municipal Year the focus of the group included the following:-
· Child Sexual Exploitation – Receive briefing on the work of the team across Greater Manchester with focus on the awareness raising work undertaken and areas of concern within the Borough.
· Ofsted – Overview of the inspection findings as well as plans in place to address the issues raised.
· Healthy Young Minds and SEND update – Karen Whitehead attended the meeting to provide an update on the Healthy Young Minds safeguarding process.
· Performance Monitoring – the group continued to receive quarterly monitoring reports in relation to safeguarding children.
· Troubled Families - Examination of the support and early intervention provided by the team.
· Care Leavers – Sue Harris attended the meeting to provide an update on the work being undertaken to address those children reported as Missing from Home.
It was explained that the group had met on four occasions, interviewed 18 different Council Officers and had visited the Multi Agency hub as part of its ongoing work.
It had been recognised by Ofsted that the expertise and knowledge of the group was one of its strengths but that attendance at every meeting was a basic requirement.
Councillor Southworth explained that Member attendance at the meetings had been an issue and she hoped that for the next municipal year the Membership would be more available to attend the 5.30pm meetings.
Members of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee were given the opportunity to make comments and ask questions and the following points were raised:-
· Councillor Caserta thanked Councillor Southworth for the excellent job she had done in chairing the meetings of the group.
· Councillor Caserta referred to the Oasis Team and asked Councillor Southworth whether the Sub Group would be revisiting the work of the team in the future.
Councillor Southworth stated that the Oasis Group would be included on the next years’ work programme.
· Councillor James referred to the growing issue of knife crime amongst young people and asked whether the group would be able to have role in this issue.
Councillor Southworth explained that over the past few years’ emphasis had changed in relation to what happened at home and children who were living in and amongst domestic violence and abuse. It had led ... view the full minutes text for item OSC.430 |
RECORD OF THANKS Minutes: Councillor Hankey explained that this was the last Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting for the 2018/2019 and therefore the last meeting that Councillor D’Albert would be chairing.
The Members of the Committee thanked Councillor D’Albert for her hard work throughout the year and wished her well in her retirement from the Council.