Venue: Microsoft Teams
Contact: Kelly Barnett Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence are noted above. |
Declarations of Interest Members of the Health and Wellbeing Board are asked to consider whether they have an interest in any of the matters on the Agenda, and if so, to formally declare that interest. Minutes: Councillor Tariq declared an interest in the Health and Wellbeing Board due to being a member of Oldham’s Health and Wellbeing Board and a Manager of Oldham Healthwatch.
Councillor Pilkington declared an interest in the Health and Wellbeing Board due to being an employee for the NHS.
Councillor L Smith declared an interest in the Health and Wellbeing Board due to her Partner being an employee of the NHS.
Minutes of previous meeting The minutes of the meeting held on 28th March 2022 are attached. Minutes: It was agreed:
1. The minutes of the previous meeting be approved as a correct record. |
Data referring to the frailty assessments that have taken place in Bury compared to the other localities within Greater Manchester is attached for information following the consideration of the Frailty item at the meeting held on 28 March 2022. Minutes: There were no matters arising. |
Public Question Time Questions are invited from members of the public present at the meeting on any matters for which the Board is responsible.
Approximately 30 minutes will be set aside for Public Question Time, if required. Minutes: There were no public questions. |
Team Bury Governance - Implications for the HWB Deputy Chief Executive, Lynne Ridsdale will provide a verbal update. Minutes: Deputy Chief Executive, Lynne Ridsdale provided an overview of the Team Bury Governance following a workshop session that took place on 07th July 2022.
The Board were presented with an overview of the new Team Bury arrangements and how the Health and Wellbeing Board sits within this framework. This includes the Health and Wellbeing Board taking responsibility for the Poverty agenda subject to agreement.
During discussion of this item, Members of the Board who attended the session for Team Bury stated it was helpful and it repositioned the Health and Wellbeing Board to align with the GM Model of a Population Health System
In addition, members were reminded that the HWBB agenda is structured around the GM Model of a Population Health System with an item against each of the core elements of the model.
Councillor Tariq, sought clarification on how they can lead and monitor progress against the ‘Quality of Life’ element. In response Lynne Ridsdale, Deputy Chief Executive assured members that items related to the Quality of Life topic will be brought back at regular intervals. There will also be an Annual Report process via a state of the Borough Report and Lesley Jones, Director of Public Health and Will Blandamer, Executive Director of Commissioning attend monthly meetings and can report in any related matters throughout the year. In addition, Lesley Jones, Director of Public Health advised members that a Population Health Group sits beneath the Health and Wellbeing Board to support and drive the work of the board.
It was agreed:
Wider Determinants of Population Health - Anti-Poverty Strategy Lynne Ridsdale, Deputy Chief Executive to present the attached report. Minutes: Lynne Ridsdale, Deputy Chief Executive and Chris Woodhouse Strategic Partnerships Manager provided an overview of the Anti-Poverty Strategy which is going to Cabinet on the 13th July 2022.
The strategy sets out the context for Poverty and the cost of living support. Bury has become relatively more deprived compared to other areas with more people living in (the same) areas of deprivation in 2019 than in 2015 and the pandemic is likely to have compounded this further.
It is proposed that the Bury Health and Wellbeing Board assumes accountability for driving forward the activities set out in this strategy, in the context of its mission to reduce inequalities and improve quality of life.
Each of the thematic priorities will have a named officer lead drawn from across the Team Bury system who will come together as a Partnership Delivery Group, which will ensure delivery against the plans, track progress of activity, share good practice across thematic areas and work together to unblock any barriers.
The group will report on progress to the Health and Wellbeing Board, with regular oversight through the portfolio of the Cabinet Member for Finance and Communities.
Ruth Passman, Bury Healthwatch, highlighted how food banks and struggles to afford food is a common enquiry Bury Healthwatch receive. There are growing concerns around access to food banks that consider dietary and religious requirements.
It was agreed:
Lynne Ridsdale, Deputy Chief Executative to present the attached report. Minutes: Lynne Ridsdale, Deputy Chief Executive provided an overview of the Radcliffe People and Communities Plan.
The report was presented to the Board for information and demonstrates a blueprint for making public sector reform real. The purpose of the plan is to encourage inclusive growth to stimulate the economy. The aim is to engage with local people to improve services and jobs. The consultation is being led by the Hub Teams and community leaders.
The Board members sought clarification on who the plan classes as Radcliffe people. In response Chris Woodhouse, Strategic Partnerships Manager advised a wide range of partners and people have been engaged with. He stated that predominantly people who live and work in Radcliffe were engaged with, but this was widened to others too.
Following discussion for members of the Health and Wellbeing Board, they agreed:
Shenna Paynter, Public Health Programme Lead to present. Additional documents:
Minutes: It was agreed that this item would be moved following publication of the agenda from item13 to item 9.
Shenna Paynter, Public Health Specialist, provided a brief overview of the draft Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment for Bury.
The purpose of the document is a comprehensive assessment of whether current and future pharmaceutical services meet the needs of the local population. Bury’s Health and Wellbeing Board has a statutory responsibility to publish and keep up to date the assessment for Bury. The assessment for Bury presents a picture of community pharmacy need and provision in Bury and links to Bury’s Joint Strategic Needs Assessment.
It will be used by NHS England & NHS Improvement to:
Councillor Tariq, Chair for the Health and Wellbeing Board highlighted that Pharmacies are viewed differently post the COVID-19 Pandemic. Pharmacies now provide more diagnostic support, such as ‘Care at the Chemist’ and are key in reducing service pressures elsewhere. Members agreed that we should engage with those who use them. Ruth Passman from Healthwatch Bury provided an offer to the Board that she would be happy to support a complimentary engagement campaign that consults with member of the public on experiences. Councillor Pilkington highlighted that nowhere in the PNA was reference to the ‘Care at the Chemist’ scheme.
An in-depth discussion on whether to follow other local areas approaches or go out for public consultation took place.
It was agreed:
1) The Board agreed to progress the formal consultation on the PNA with compulsory consultees. 2) To work with Healthwatch to explore opportunities to understand public perceptions and issues with using pharmacies to feed into service improvement and development. 3) To receive the final PNA following consultation in October.
Behavioural and Lifestyle Determinants of health - Khan Tobacco Review Sarah Turton, Public Health Practitioner to present the attached report. Minutes: Sarah Turton, Public Health Practitioner, provided an overview of the recently published (9th June) Independent Review into Smokefree 2030 Policies which was commissioned by SoS DHSC. In 2019, the government set an objective for England to be smokefree by 2030, meaning only 5% of the population would smoke by then. Without achieving this objective, the government will not meet its manifesto commitment “to extend healthy life expectancy by five years by 2035.
The Khan review found that without further action the smoke free target will be missed by 7 years and would not address inequalities. The report sets out 15 recommendations to achieve smoke free by 2030 which are currently being considered by Government. From a Public Health point of view the recommendations are necessarily ambitious.
The Health and Wellbeing Board were asked to support and advocate for the adoption and implementation of the recommendations and consider how the recommendations impact on our local Tobacco Control Strategy.
Health and Care System - Vaccine Update Additional documents: Minutes: Steven Senior, Consultant in Public Health set out the current position in Bury regarding vaccination coverage for a wide range of vaccines. Overall coverage is comparable to similar Local Authorities although lower for some. There are inequalities in vaccination coverage, but they are generally smaller than other areas in Greater Manchester. The report sets out priorities for improvement.
Priorities for the future are to:
· Improve COVID-19 spring booster uptake (and data quality) among care home residents and immunosuppressed people; · Improve uptake of adult influenza immunisations and reduce inequalities, particularly those affecting Asian and Asian British people, and reduce the extent of inequality in uptake by deprivation for people with long term illnesses; · Improve flu vaccine uptake among pre-school children; · Improve uptake of pneumococcal and shingles vaccines among eligible older people; · Continue to minimise inequality in COVID-19 vaccine uptake; and · Improve uptake of hepatitis B vaccine among people entering drug treatment.
Ruth Passman, Bury Healthwatch questioned if Bury has a consistent policy on the pneumococcal vaccine offer. Steven Senior advised he will find out and report back.
It was agreed that:
Health Protection Governance Lesley Jones, Director of Public Health to present the attached PowerPoint slides. Minutes: Lesley Jones, Director of Public Health Bury provided an overview of governance arrangements in Bury for Health Protection. While it remains a threat, COVID-19 is increasingly being managed as part of routine health protection. Now Bury needs to broaden the focus on health protection beyond COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 governance needs to be re-established. The pandemic has brought the system together around the health protection response and this can be used as an asset.
The current system of governance with very regular health protection boards is no longer appropriate. Much of the operational response has stood down and there is less need for week-to-week senior oversight. A governance structure is needed to provide assurance that risks are being managed appropriately as longer-term health protection threats remain. These include climate change, air quality, and the growth of antimicrobial resistance. The local system needs somewhere to coordinate action on these large but slower moving risks as well as potential new epidemics.
It was agreed that:
Better Care Fund 2021-22 Year End Report Will Blandamer, Executive Director of Strategic Commissioning will provide a verbal update. Report attached. Minutes: Will Blandamer, Executive Director of Strategic Commissioning provided an overview of the BCF which is being brought for retrospective approval.
BCF 2021/2022 is subject to 4 national conditions:
It was agreed that:
GM Population Health Board Feedback Lesley Jones, Director of Public Health to provide a verbal update. Reports for information attached. Additional documents:
Minutes: Lesley Jones provided a brief overview of the Greater Manchester Population Health Board the is Chaired by Geoff Little, Chief Executive Bury Council.
The update was noted by the Health and Wellbeing Board. |
Urgent Business Any other business which by reason of special circumstances the Chair agrees may be considered as a matter of urgency. Minutes: There was no urgent business. |
For information ***Bury Integrated Safeguarding Annual Report 2020-2021 Minutes: It was agreed:
1. The report be noted. |