Agenda and draft minutes

Radcliffe Cabinet Committee - Monday, 6th February, 2023 5.30 pm

Please let us know if you are planning to attend and have any access requirements or other needs which we need to take account of.

Contact: Philippa Braithwaite  Email:

No. Item


Apologies for absence


Apologies were received from Councillor Cummins.


Declarations of Interest

Members of the Radcliffe Cabinet Committee are asked whether they have any interests on any item on the agenda and if so to formally declare that interest.


There were no declarations of interest.


Public Question Time

A period of 30 minutes has been set aside for members of the public to ask questions. Questions must be submitted in advance to no later than 5pm on Friday 27th January 2023.


There were no public questions.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 341 KB

Minutes from the meeting held on 10 November 2022 are attached.


It was agreed:


That the minutes of the meeting held on 10 November 2022 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


Hub project RIBA 3 design update and enabling works programme summary pdf icon PDF 2 MB

PowerPoint slides attached.

Additional documents:


Rebecca Lord, Head of Levelling Up Project Delivery, attended the meeting and presented to members an update on the Radcliffe Hub Project, in particular RIBA Stage 3 - Architectural Design. This included an overview of the design and development, the design brief and its development during the 3 stages prior to submission of the Planning application.


The Head of Levelling up reported that the final stage brief had been informed by the recently undertaken consultation with the public, Service Leads and Elected Members. This was particularly apparent in relation to the subsequent changes to the façade and the public realm areas. The plans will be further developed and incorporated in a RIBA Stage 4 report, this will prioritise the specific internal requirements, as well as procurement and formalisation of contracts.


In considering the presentation and the issues raised the following questions and comments were raised:

·         Responding to a Member’s question in relation to the request for banking facilities within the HUB, the Head of Levelling up reported that it is proposed that there will be discussion regarding the provision of debt support/money management. If subsequently the north block is developed and if the cash machine is part of any demolition, the Council may review if one can be accommodated in the building. Conversations are still ongoing with regards to the possibility of a credit union service operating out of the Hub.

·         In a response to a Member question, the Head of Levelling Up reported that the Market Chamber Offices would be advertised commercially and some initial parties have expressed an interest in acquiring a tenancy. The rental value will be driven by the valuation undertaken post refurbishment.

·         Responding to a question in relation to Market Management, Robert Summerfield, Assistant Director (Regeneration Delivery), reported that the Council are in the process of working up a specification to engage a company to assist with the consultation. As part of this consultation the contractor will review current facilities (including the flexi hall) – once they have completed the work a procurement process will commence. The expected timescale for the consultation work is expected to be 3 months – a further update will be available at the next meeting.

·         The Head of Levelling Up reported that the planning application should be ready to be submitted imminently once the changes suggested by the Highways department have been incorporated.

·         The Head of Levelling up reported that there is no date currently for the commencement for updated public realm consultation, once known she will update Elected Members.

·         The Head of Levelling Up shared with Members an infographic which highlighted the large amount of enabling works that need to be undertaken to progress the work. A number of utility services and other services will need to be diverted, including asbestos removal. Due to the large amount of enabling work required and potential for disruption, Officers within the Council are developing a plan to ensure any concerns/issues could be raised with one point of contact. Once developed this information  ...  view the full minutes text for item 28.


Radcliffe Pocket Park pdf icon PDF 14 MB

PowerPoint slides attached.


The Head of Levelling up presented to members an overview of the plans for a pocket park for Radcliffe. An accompanying document circulated to Members ahead of the meeting provided details of the proposals for a park in the heart of Radcliffe town centre which will meet the needs of the local communities and enhance the use of the river Irwell.


The proposals include a focus on community, ecology and play. Design workshops are currently ongoing and initial feedback has been that they would like the development to focus on the development of community spaces. Proposals will be further developed for wider public consultation in March 2023.


In considering the presentation and the issues raised the following questions and comments were raised:

·         Responding to a Member’s question, the Head of Levelling up reported that the footpath near the planned pocket park that was damaged in the recent floods is not in council ownership. It is therefore outside of remit of this project but Officers will look to re-engage with the owners of land to look at possible ways forward.

·         Members discussed the plans and whether some of the suggested items for inclusion could be cost prohibitive. Responding, the Leader reported that at this stage every option must be kept in scope, including the viewing platform as there may be opportunities to access other funding streams.

·         In response to a Member’s question, conversations in relation to the plans are in their infancy, however if there does appear to be an appetite for a dedicated community gardening space this could be included but the Council would need to be assured that there is a commitment from the community and commercial partners to maintain these spaces over the long term.


North Block update

A verbal update will be given at the meeting.


Robert Summerfield, Assistant Director (Regeneration Delivery), provided a verbal update and informed Members that Deloitte had been commissioned to review the development of the north block.  This work with one of the Council’s strategic partners will look at developing a strategy for its development including due diligence work.


It was agreed:


As the strategy develops progress on the proposals will be shared with the Committee.


Car Parking update pdf icon PDF 302 KB

Report of the Assistant Director (Regeneration Delivery) attached.


Robert Summerfield, Assistant Director (Regeneration Delivery), provided members with an overview of the proposals for car parking in Radcliffe during the development works.


The Assistant Director reported that given the site’s sustainable location, it is not proposed that any additional car parking will be specifically provided within the planning application for the hub, apart from disabled bays. Instead, it is proposed, as part of the implementation of the wider Radcliffe Strategic Regeneration Framework (SRF), that measures will be put in place on some of the existing public car parking facilities to facilitate greater turnover of spaces. This will help to provide car parking space for those visiting the Hub or visiting other parts of the town centre using a car.


Alongside this, there will be some additional on-street car parking implemented, which will provide additional car parking capacity in the town. It is also proposed that some of the private car parking facilities within the town centre is utilised to provide additional car parking for members of the public and those visiting the town.


The Assistant Director reported that in the longer term, it is proposed that a Travel Hub is developed that will provide additional car parking and that this will be integrated within sustainable transport measures, including facilitating bus, walking and cycling infrastructure.


In considering the report the following questions and comments were raised:

·         The Leader reported that the Council will look to find a balance that is creative while at the same time developing longer term plans.

·         The Assistant Director reported that there are some issues with capacity adjacent to the medical centre and will ensure adequate provision in the right places going forward.

·         A car parking strategy is being developed; the Strategy will analyse busy/peak times.


It was agreed:


The car parking strategy once developed will be considered at a future meeting.


Secondary School update pdf icon PDF 410 KB

Report of the Strategic Lead (Education) attached.


Further to a detailed presentation to members last week, Paul Cooke, Strategic Lead, reported that the Council are in daily contact with the Department for Education and Employment. A decision is time critical as the Council are required to publish admission arrangements for September 2024 by the end of February.


The Strategic Leader reported that the Pupil Referral Unit will be relocated into Spurr House. To accommodate the PRU, Spurr House will be adapted and a planning application is imminent. Spring Lane School will relocate into the building in early 2024 this will allow sufficient time to demolish and redevelop and, if necessary, transfer to temporary accommodation.