Agenda and draft minutes

Health and Wellbeing Board - Thursday, 14th March, 2024 4.30 pm

Please let us know if you are planning to attend and have any access requirements or other needs which we need to take account of.

Venue: Microsoft Teams meeting

Contact: Kelly Barnett  Democratic Services

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence are noted above.


Declarations of Interest

Members of the Health and Wellbeing Board are asked to consider whether they have an interest in any of the matters on the Agenda, and if so, to formally declare that interest.


Councillor Tariq declared that he is a member of the Oldham’s Health and Wellbeing Board and a manager at Healthwatch, Oldham.



Public Question Time

Questions are invited from members of the public present at the meeting on any matters for which the Board is responsible.


Approximately 30 minutes will be set aside for Public Question Time, if required.


There were no public questions asked at the meeting.


Minutes of previous meeting pdf icon PDF 265 KB

The minutes of the meeting held on 30 January 2024 are attached.


It was agreed:


That the minutes of the meeting held on 30 January 2024 be approved as a correct record.



Matters Arising


There were no matters arising.


Wider Determinants of Population Health


Economic Development Strategy pdf icon PDF 4 MB

Tracey Flynn, Service Manager – Business and Investment to present the attached report.


Tracey Flynn, Service Manager for Business and Investment presented the Economic Development Strategy, which was launched in February 2024 and sits under the Let’s Do It Strategy.  Tracey Flynn highlighted the three economic pillars within the strategy – ‘Bury the place’, ‘Bury’s people’ and ‘Bury’s economy and business base’. Each pillar establishes a clear statement of ambition and priority actions.  In relation to improving health and wellbeing and reducing inequalities, one of the priority actions is embedding good health outcomes as an integral part of the employment and skills system.  Tracey Flynn shared different programmes and activities with the Board and explained ways in which the strategy will integrate services to ensure that the system is less complicated for people to navigate. These included, a meet the provider event, Bury neighbour-hub, work and skills fair and using assets and partners to connect communities to opportunities. Tracey Flynn provided examples of work being done to reduce health inequalities which included business engagement activities to promote the good employment charter, and the recruitment and retention benefits of the real living wage.


Councillor Tariq suggested that work should be completed with officers and portfolio holders who support economic development and health and wellbeing, to ensure that there is a way to champion the work jointly.


In relation to a question asked around the inequalities work that is being done locally with specific groups, to find people good quality employment, Tracey Flynn explained that there are work plans that target specific groups and highlighted a Working Well programme which is for people with a physical or mental health disability, and spoke about a bespoke placement and training programme with wrap around support. Tracey Flynn reported that the Working Well programme is specifically designed to support people with mental health and physical disabilities.


In relation to questions asked around the ‘meet the providers event’ taking place, Tracey Flynn explained that the integrated neighbourhood teams would be invited and that the event would be held at the Fusilier Museum on 20th June.


In relation to a question around targeting programmes for asylum seekers and refugees who have permission to work, Tracey Flynn reported that this is a priority group and explained the programmes of work to support asylum seekers and refugees and highlighted working with partners, ESOL and a digital support offer.


Councillor O’Brien advised that there is a lot in the economic development strategy speaking to better health and wellbeing and suggested that an update be brought to a future Board meeting around supporting adults in education and skills. In Greater Manchester work is being pioneered around the devolution settlement, job centres and job centre pluses and as a Board we should be encouraging that this be looked at nationally.


Councillor Tariq suggested that the economic development strategy has a strong focus and good successes around Bury and Radcliffe and suggested that the strategy be modernised to look into the challenges in 2030 and beyond.


In relation to a question around government funding for  ...  view the full minutes text for item HWB.33


The operation of the health and care system


Better Care Fund Quarterly Report pdf icon PDF 582 KB

Adrian Crook, Director of Adult Social Care to present the attached report.


Adrian Crook, Director of Adult Social Services gave an overview of the Better Care Fund Quarterly Report which contains information on our objectives and whether we are going to meet the required targets that we have set. Adrian Crook highlighted the areas that we are doing well on and the areas for improvement. The report outlines the funding commitments to each scheme.


It was agreed:


  1. To note the content of the quarter 3 reporting submission.
  2. To retrospectively approve the Better Care Fund 2023/2025 quarter 3 reporting submission and ratify the decision to submit to the national Better Care Fund team for assessment.



Outcome Framework Update pdf icon PDF 744 KB

Jon Hobday, Director of Public Health to present the attached presentation.


Jon Hobday, Director of Public Health presented the Health and Wellbeing Board’s Outcomes Framework which had been developed to check that the work that is being completed is having a positive impact on inequalities.  Jon Hobday highlighted the 4 quadrants of work to improve health and help reduce inequalities.  The indicators have been chosen by merging the Marmot Healthy Place Model and the Health Foundation key indicators together into the 4 quadrants. Jon Hobday spoke about the challenges with the framework and that the indicators can be influenced by a range of other factors. Jon Hobday reported that the framework is benchmarked against Calderdale who is one of our statistical neighbours and tends to be high performing and against Stockport who is the highest performing area in Greater Manchester. The areas where Bury are performing positively were shared along with the areas for improvement on each quadrant.


Councillor Tariq advised the need to ensure the work of the family hubs is amalgamated around population health. The hubs are an opportunity to build capacity and resources around the borough and to see the impact and outcomes come together. Councillor Tariq reported that work in early years is crucial for making life chances for our young people in the borough.


Adrian Crook advised that there are some sizeable differences in some of the indictors between Bury and Stockport and explained that Stockport adopted the ‘Stockport Family Model’ and have had integrated services in place for many years. Adrian Crook reported that some of the targets shared could be completed quickly and make a big difference.


In relation to a question raised around SEND and where this fits into the Outcomes Framework, Jon Hobday advised that the methodology used is from evidence from the Health Foundation and that SEND could be picked up through the Children’s Strategic Partnership Board’s framework. Jon Hobday suggested that it would be useful to have specific items on SEND come regularly to the Health and Wellbeing Board.


Kath Wynne Jones reported that there had been a Primary Care Engagement Event, this year they are trying to be more targeted around the data and gave neighbourhood’s a choice of focusing on either frailty or respiratory. There have been 2 neighbours wanting to focus on frailty and 2 neighbours wanting to focus on respiratory. Kath Wynne Jones will be going back to the neighbourhoods to ask if they can carry out a final vote to determine their priorities.


It was agreed:


1.         To circulate the Outcomes Framework slides to Members to look at in more detail.

2.         To provide an update on the HWBB Outcomes Framework to the Board every 12 months.



Behaviour and lifestyle determinants of health


Obesity and the Neighbourhood Approach pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Lee Buggie, Public Health Specialist to present the attached presentation.

Additional documents:


Lee Buggie, Public Health Specialist presented information on obesity and the neighbourhood approach. The presentation highlighted the key causes of obesity, health issues associated with obesity and the preventative work that is being delivered across Bury’s neighbourhood including food demonstrations, the new community orchids and the preventative work being done through the physical activity and food strategy.  Lee Buggie shared some deep dive work that has been completed across Bury and highlighted that in some of Bury’s wards almost half of the Y6 pupils transitioning to high school are overweight.


In response to a question around money being available for community groups in Whitefield and the work being done at Ribble Drive Primary School to calm traffic, Lee Buggie explained the work being completed in Whitefield around active travel and shared work that had been completed around the Heaton Park area, where leaflets were designed in schools and presented to parents around active travel. The Head Teacher at Ribble Drive Primary School had agreed for the school to design some similar leaflets, with the purpose of helping change the ethos of how children travel to school. 


Helen Tomlinson reported that the VCFA had been involved in a consultation piece around childhood obesity, with the key theme across GM and Bury being linked to poverty and highlighted that food banks and pantries have a lack of fresh nutritious foods and explained that there are still charities subsidising food for food pantries.


Jon Hobday reported that obesity is a complex issue and links into a raft of other strategies and that there is a lot that can be learnt from international countries and the work they have done to reduce obesity.


Jeanette Richards reported that she would like the findings around the VCFA children’s obesity consultation to come to the Children’s Strategic Partnership Board and suggested that further discussions around the licencing of fast food restaurants and physical activity should be picked up within the Children’s Strategic Partnership Board for a deep dive into the issues surrounding childhood obesity.


It was agreed:


  1. Acknowledge the work which is in place to reduce obesity and inequalities & endorse the continuation of the work and the refresh of the PA strategy.
  2. The Children’s Strategic Partnership Board complete a deep dive into issues surrounding childhood obesity.



The effect of place and community on health and wellbeing

There are no items for consideration under this quadrant.


There were no updates provided under this quadrant.


GM Population Health Board Feedback

Jon Hobday, Director of Public Health to provide a verbal update.


Jon Hobday, Director of Public Health, provided an update from the Greater Manchester Population Health Board and reported the key items that had been discussed at the last meeting, which included challenges in the population health approach and updating the terms of reference of the Population Health Advisory Group. Jon Hobday advised that the Population Health Advisory Group had met for the first time.


It was agreed:


That the update be noted.



Urgent Business

Any other business which by reason of special circumstances the Chair agrees may be considered as a matter of urgency.


There was no urgent business.