Venue: Microsoft Teams Meeting
Contact: Kelly Barnett Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence are noted above. |
Declarations of Interest Members of the Health and Wellbeing Board are asked to consider whether they have an interest in any of the matters on the Agenda, and if so, to formally declare that interest. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest made at the meeting. |
Public Question Time Questions are invited from members of the public present at the meeting on any matters for which the Board is responsible.
Approximately 30 minutes will be set aside for Public Question Time, if required. Minutes: There were no public questions asked at the meeting. |
Minutes of previous meeting The minutes of the meeting held on 14 November 2023 are attached. Minutes: It was agreed:
That the minutes of the meeting held on 14 November 2023 be approved as a correct record. |
Matters Arising Minutes: There were no matters arising. |
Wider Determinants of Population Health |
Anti-poverty Update Jon Hobday, Director of Public Health to present the attached slides. Minutes: Jon Hobday, Director of Public Health provided an update around the work that has taken place since the last Health and Wellbeing Board meeting in relation to the anti-poverty strategy which included:
Adrian Crook explained that a gap in support has been found in relation to benefit checks and helping people apply for benefits. The support will bring in additional benefit income to Bury. Adrian Crook advised of a report being sent to Cabinet and that he will compete an update for the anti-poverty group.
Councillor O’Brien spoke about the good work being done around the cost-of-living crisis and identifying the risk around the Household Support Fund. Councillor O’Brien advised the Board of the Let’s Fix It Together campaign and lobbying the government for funding. In response to a question around the importance of an analysis of the impact of the funding, Jon Hobday explained that this work will be completed within the anti-poverty steering group and that any evaluations completed, need to be robust to ensure resources are focused in a smarter way.
Councillor Lancaster questioned what the targeted work for the Pension Credit Fund looks like. In response, Councillor Boroda suggested that this could be discussed cross-party with all councillors to best support residents. Jon Hobday advised that the communications in relation to the Pension Credit Fund, will be done through existing forums and other avenues such as Primary Care. Cathy Fines suggested that INT’s and Primary Care could help with the communications.
It was agreed:
1. Adrain Crook to provide an update to the anti-poverty steering group around benefit support. 2. Jon Hobday to discuss the work around the Pension Credit Fund uptake with Councillor Boroda.
Mental Health Complex System Mapping Jim McGlynn and Lee Buggie, Public Health Practitioners to present the attached slides and report. Additional documents: Minutes: Lee Buggie and Jim McGlynn provided an update on the Mental Health Complex System Mapping, which was co-produced by stakeholders and partners to look at the gaps in the mental health system. A stakeholder event took place at the Mosses Centre, with 45 attendees and the project has been resourced through GMMH (Greater Manchester Mental Health). The feedback collated from the stakeholder event was sorted into 4 key priorities and fed into a second workshop for stakeholders to agree how the feedback was mapped. Bury have focused their work around low level intervention. The mapping system focuses on health inequalities and this way of working was embedded within the workshop and formed the recommendations within the report.
Lee Buggie advised that Bury has been nominated for the I-Network Award for collaborative working.
Lee Buggie highlighted the Coping and Thriving Model that is used within Bury which includes help lines, community support groups and digital support services to connect people with support for early intervention and prevention. The aim of this work is to reduce waiting times and improve recovery targets.
Lee Buggie demonstrated the digital mapping system for professionals to use and explained that another mapping system will be created for communities to use, with the ambition of having the systems on the Bury Directory. Lee Buggie explained that from the events, 16 actions have been noted, with most actions already being completed by the Local Authority and partners.
In response to a question around how the recommendations are integrated into the Mental Health Programme Board, Lee Buggie explained that he is meeting with the Mental Health Programme Board at the end of February to discuss this further and expects that the work will feed into the mental health programme yearly plan.
Adrian Crook questioned whether the recommendations for the Health and Wellbeing Board to consider are labelled as ‘choices’ within the report and raised concerns around these being significant and expensive. Adrain Crook questioned whether the Health and Wellbeing Board was the correct place to endorse these recommendations. In response, Lee Buggie confirmed that the recommendations are the choices within the report and explained that although these are in Bury’s action plan, it does not mean that Bury will adopt these, as some of the choices were aspirational. Lee Buggie advised that the action plan will be brought back to the Health and Wellbeing Board to provide a further update. Lee Buggie further explained that he would like to Board to support these choices, rather than endorse them and agreed that the actions need to be reasonable.
In response to a Councillor Thorpe’s question around specific mental health conditions, Lee Buggie advised that the mental health mapping work is for low lever intervention. Cathy Fines explained that the I-Thrive model and the quadrant would be better named emotional wellbeing.
Will Blandamer gave assurances to the board that the work being done as a part of the I-Thrive Model is different than the work of the Mental Health Programme Board ... view the full minutes text for item HWB.20 |
The operation of the health and care system |
Workforce Development - Building Public Health Capacity and Capability Lee Buggie, Public Health Specialist to present the attached slides. Minutes: Lee Buggie, Public Health Specialist provided an update on a framework that sits in the lower end of the I-Thrive Model and is based around wellness courses. Different pathways, courses and qualifications were highlighted including volunteering opportunities and the ambition for people with lived experience to deliver the Communities in Charge of Alcohol Course. Lee Buggie explained that courses could be tailored to any organisation and asked Board Members to raise the e-learning course offer within one to ones in the workplaces.
Conversations have taken places between some GP practices around staff members completing some of the health care courses. Cathy Fines suggested for the work to be put on the agenda for the GP Leadership Collaborative.
The next steps of the plan included, feeding into Bury’s Locality Workforce Strategy, building capacity via the Council’s Levy function, strengthening public health reach, and tackling inequalities.
Will Blandamer suggested that the best way of supporting people to complete training, is by whole teams completing this together, as it gives teams a shared ambition. Will Blandamer advised to explore placed based training.
Jon Hobday explained how this work links to the corporate Let’s Do It plan as it offers something different and contributes to the wider workforce offer around the recruitment and retention of staff.
Lee Buggie advised of a training session for Councillors taking place on 25th February for mental health week.
It was agreed:
1. The work to be discussed at the GP Leadership Collaborative. 2. The update and recommendations within the PowerPoint slides be noted.
Behaviour and lifestyle determinants of health There are no items for discussion under this quadrant. Minutes: There were no items for discussion under this quadrant.
The effect of place and community on health and wellbeing Minutes: Jon Hobday and his team were thanked for his ongoing work in relation to reducing health inequalities, an update on which had been circulated via email. |
Health Inequalities Update Jon Hobday, Director of Public Health to present the attached slides. Minutes: Jon Hobday provided an overview of the Team Bury event that was held on 5 December 2023, which had over 80 different partners attend. The purpose of the event was to provide an insight into health inequalities in Bury and look at our approach and strategies, to see how they are contributing to reducing inequalities and see if anything more could be done within the strategies to contribute.
Jon Hobday highlighted the key themes from the event which included:
• Focus on younger people with positive opportunities for most disadvantaged and deprived. • Create an attractive town/place to want to come to Bury to work • Create a village/communities (protective measures), resilience building • Focus on raising aspirations while understanding the barriers different groups experience. • Challenge norms and stereotypes to open up wider opportunities for different groups. • Reinforce the need for decent pay, flexible employment and career progression.
At the event, discussions took place around the 4 quadrants of the Kings Fund Population Health System Model and opportunities for mentoring, utilising community hubs, speech and language therapy, school readiness in early years, and the community safety partnership were included within the key themes highlighted.
Jon Hobday reported that the next steps for this work is to bring the key themes together into one implementation plan and utilise the Health and Wellbeing Board to drive the plan, monitoring it through the Population Health Partnership.
Will Blandamer advised the Health and Wellbeing Board of a Council motion in supporting the recognition as Bury as a Marmot town. Jon Hobday explained that the Marmot work has identified 6 domains and 22 indicators, these will be developed into the Health and Wellbeing Outcomes Framework to ensure our implementation plan align with the Marmot approach.
It was agreed:
1. The outcomes framework to be brought to the Health and Wellbeing Board on a regular basis. 2. The update be noted.
GM Population Health Board Feedback Jon Hobday, Director of Public Health to provide a verbal update. Minutes: There was no feedback from the GM Population Health Board.
Urgent Business Any other business which by reason of special circumstances the Chair agrees may be considered as a matter of urgency. Minutes: There was no urgent business. |