Meeting documents

Wednesday, 15th September, 2010 7.00 pm

Wednesday, 15th September, 2010
7.00 pm
Council Chamber, Town Hall, Bury

Attendance Details

The Worshipful the Mayor (Councillor J Byrne) in the Chair;
Councillors I Ahmed, A Audin, K Audin, R L Baum, I Bevan, R A Bibby, D B Bigg, D Boden, R C A Brown, R Caserta, D M Cassidy, S Cohen, M J Connolly, S Costello, Y Creswell, A J Cummings, M D’Albert, V D’Albert, W J Davison, A S Garner, I B Gartside, J Grimshaw, D L Gunther, M Hankey, J Harris, D M Higgin, T Holt, S Hurst, A Isherwood, S P Magnall, D O’Hanlon, N Parnell, S P Penketh, T D Pickstone, A Quinn, K Rothwell, R Shori, J Smith, J W H Taylor, B Theckston, B Vincent, R E Walker, S Walmsley, J F Walton, M J Wiseman, S D Wright and Y S Wright
20 members of the public attended the meeting

(Note - Councillor Garner left the meeting prior to consideration of C.211, Notices of Motion)
Apologies for absence:
Councillors J Lewis, A K Matthews and T Tariq
Item Description Decision

That the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 30 June 2010 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Mayor, subject to the amendment of Minute C.85 “Public Question Time”, by the deletion of “Hiring of the Longfield Suite, Prestwich” and the substitution of “Bury Council Taxpayers subsidising external commercial promoters”.
Written notice had been given for questions from the following members of the public:-

Name: Mr I Hayes
Subject: Radcliffe Civic Suite
Answered By: Councillor Hankey

Name: Mr A Wentworth and Mr K Hodges
Subject: Longfield Suite, Prestwich
Answered By: Councillor Hankey

Name: Mr G Ramsay
Subject: Petition Arrangements
Answered By: Councillor Bibby

Name:Mr C Holden
Subject: Radcliffe Secondary School
Answered By: Councillor Bibby

That the whole of the remaining business before the Council be approved:-
The meeting started at 7.00 pm and ended at 10.20 pm


C.2051. Councillor Pickstone declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Minute C.211, Notice of Motion (A), Fairfield Hospital - Children’s Services, as he is a non-executive director of Bury NHS Trust. Councillor Pickstone left the meeting during consideration of this item.

2. Councillor Yvonne Wright declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the Public Questions which related to the Civic Halls as she is hiring the Longfield Suite and Radcliffe Civic Suite for an event. Councillor Wright left the meeting during consideration of this item.
C.207The Mayor reported that the Jewish New Year and the Muslim Holy Month of Ramadan had recently been celebrated, and he offered to the Jewish Members and Officers of the Council and the Jewish Community within the Metropolitan Borough warm greetings and good wishes for the Jewish New Year.

He also expressed to the Muslim Members and Officers and the Muslim Community that the Council’s good wishes were with them during the holy month of Ramadan.

He further reported that Bury Council had once again received success at the Royal Horticultural Society’s Northern Show held at Tatton Park, with the 2010 entry based on a theme using local connections. The Council’s Parks and Countryside Service and volunteers from the Whitefield Horticultural Society achieved a silver Gilt Award.

Finally, the Mayor requested Members of the Council to sign the Corporate Parenting Declaration made available at the meeting.
C.209The Mayor reported that there were no recommendations coming forward from the Cabinet Members and Council Committees for consideration at this meeting.
C.210(a) Written questions (four clear days’ notice given)

The Leader of the Council, Councillor Bibby, made a statement on the work undertaken by him since the date of the last Council meeting. The Leader and the relevant Cabinet Members answered questions raised by Councillors on the following issues:-
No.1 Issue:Funding for the Playbuilder Scheme
Questioner:Councillor Smith
Answered by and action: Councillor Caserta
No.2 Issue: Local Area Partnership Grants Scheme 2010/2011
Questioner: Councillor Pickstone
Answered by and action: Councillor Creswell
No.3 Issue: Publication of information on the Council’s Web site
Questioner: Councillor Bevan
Answered by and action: Councillor Gartside
No.4 Issue: Petition Scheme and definition of “vexatious, abusive or otherwise inappropriate”
Questioner: Councillor Shori
Answered by and action: Councillor Bibby
No.5 Issue: Preparation for Winter weather and use of salt bins
Questioner: Councillor S Wright
Answered by and action: Councillor Gunther
No.6 Issue: Charging policy for Children’s Centres
Answered by and action: Councillor Holt
Answered by and action: Councillor Caserta
No.7 Issue: Budget for 2011/12 and consultation arrangements
Questioner: Councillor Baum
Answered by and action: Councillor Gartside
No.8 Issue: Free swimming lessons
Questioner: Councillor Quinn
Answerd by and action: Councillor Bibby
No.9 Issue: Possible introduction by AGMA of minimum price for alcohol
Questioner: Councillor Pickstone
Answered by and action: Councillor Hankey
No.10 Issue: Recycling figures for Bury for 2006 to 2010 and comparison with GM Authorities
Questioner: Councillor Cummings
Answered by and action: Councillor Gunther
No.11 Issue: Safety of school children and steps to ensure that no danger is posed by those with access to them
Questioner: Councillor S Wright
Answered by and action: Councillor Caserta
No.12 Issue: Youth Opportunities Fund and support for youth projects
Questioner: Councillor Parnell
Answered by and action: Councillor Caserta
No.13 Issue: Control of dangerous dogs
Questioner: Councillor Baum
Answered by and action: Councillor Gunther
No.14 Issue: Street lighting
Questioner: Councillor Boden
Anwered by and action: Councillor Gunther
No15 Issue:Radcliffe Primary Health Centre - Pedestrian Safety
Questioner: Councillor Rothwell
Answered by and action: Councillor Gunther
No.16 Issue: Highways Maintenance Revenue Works Budget
Questioner: Councillor Boden
Answered by and action: Councillor Gunther
No.17 Issue: Elizabethan Suite - Disabled Access
Questioner: Councillor Ann Audin
Answered by and action: Councillor Hankey
No.18 Issue: Cancellation of LAP Chairs Meetings
Questioner: Councillor Grimshaw
Answered by and action:Councillor Creswell

Due to the lack of time to answer questions 13 to 18 inclusive, the Leader gave an undertaking that copies of the answers to those questions will be circulated to all Councillors.

(b) Oral Questions on the work of the Leader and Cabinet Members since the last Council meeting (without Notice)

No.19 Issue:Commitment to redevelopment of Radcliffe
Questioner: Councillor Penketh
Answered by and action: Councillor Gartside
No.20 Issue:Restructuring of Chief Executive’s Department - Financial Implications
Questioner: Councillor Walmsley
Answered by and action: Councillor Bibby
No.21 Issue: Restructuring of Chief Executive’s Department - Recruitment Procedures
Questioner: Councillor Connolly
Answered by and action: Councillor Bibby
No.22 Issue: Restructuring of Chief Executive’s Department - Financial Savings
Questioner: Councillor Isherwood
Answered by and action: Councillor Bibby
No.23 Issue: Role of Local Strategic Partnership in meeting financial challenges
Questioner: Councillor Pickstone
Answered by and action: Councillor Bibby
No.24 Issue: Financial policies and IMF advice
Questioner: Councillor Boden
Answered by and action: Councillor Bibby
No.25 Issue: Protecting vulnerable people against expenditure cuts
Questioner: Councillor Holt
Answered by and action: Councillor Bibby
No.26 Issue: Principles behind Transformation agenda
Questioner: Councillor O’Hanlon
Answered by and action: Councillor Bibby
No.27 Issue: Scale of expenditure cuts in Education
Questioner: Councillor Quinn
Answered by and action: Councillor Bibby
No.28 Issue: Transformation agenda and trade union consultation
Questioner: Councillor Parnell
Answered by and action: Councillor Bibby
No.29 Issue: Six Town Housing - Application of recruitment polices
Questioner: Councillor Smith
Answered by and action: Councillor Bibby

The following Motion had been received and set out in the Summons:-
It was moved by Councillor Bevan and seconded by Councillor Creswell that:-
“This Council welcomes the decision by the Secretary of State for Health to stop the planned closure of the Children’s Services Department at Fairfield Hospital pending a review to ensure the planned reconfiguration meets the new criteria issued by the Secretary of State, recognises the importance of the views of local GP’s in this process and urges all local GP’s particularly in the North of the Borough to submit their views to the NHS review process and in making their submissions they reflect the wishes of Bury residents who overwhelmingly want maternity and children’s services to be retained at Fairfield Hospital.”
In the names of Councillors: I Ahmed, I Bevan, R Bibby, D Bigg, R Brown, R Caserta, S Cohen, Y Creswell, I Gartside, D Gunther, M Hankey, J Harris, D Higgin, S Hurst, S Magnall, S Penketh, J Taylor, B Theckston, B Vincent, R Walker, J Walton, M Wiseman and Y Wright.
An amendment was moved by Councillor Connolly and seconded by Councillor Smith that:
The Motion be amended by the deletion, in line 1, of the word “welcomes” and the substitution of the word “questions” and the addition of the following paragraph:
‘We demand that the Secretary of State for Health fulfils his pledge to the people of Bury, “If I am Secretary of State for Health after the General Election, Maternity and Children’s Services will be maintained at Fairfield and I will ensure this happens.”
Source Conservatives: Election Special 5 May 2010.’
The amendment on being put, 23 members voted for, 23 against and with no abstentions, was declared carried following the Mayor’s casting vote.
The substantive motion on being put, 44 members voted for, none against, and with one abstention, was declared carried.
(Note: One Member had left the Chamber when the substantive motion was put)


The following Motion had been received and set out in the Summons:-
It was moved by Councillor Shori and seconded by Councillor Parnell
“This Council recognises the vital role of the Local Area Partnerships in delivering local solutions for residents. We note with concern the decision to suspend all funding from the Area Based Grant to the Local Area Partnerships. We, therefore, call on this Council to re-instate forthwith funding to the Local Area Partnerships.”
In the names of Councillors: A Audin, K Audin, D Boden, D M Cassidy, M Connolly, S Costello, A J Cummings, J Grimshaw, T Holt, A Isherwood, J Lewis, A K Matthews, N Parnell, A Quinn, K Rothwell, R Shori, J Smith, T Tariq and S Walmsley.
An amendment was moved by Councillor Pickstone and seconded by Councillor O’Hanlon that:-
The Motion be amended by the deletion of “We therefore call on this Council to re-instate forthwith funding to the Local Area Partnerships”, and the addition of the following paragraph.
“We therefore call for a report to be considered by the Internal Scrutiny Committee outlining proposals for how the LAP Grants can be re-instated in the current and future financial years, and to ensure that all available advice and information on alternative sources of funding for local projects is made available to groups as needed.”
The amendment on being put, 46 members voted for, none against and with one abstention, was declared carried.

(C) Electoral Registration

The following Motion had been received and set out in the Council Summons:-
“This Council is committed to ensuring that all of our residents who are eligible to vote are registered to vote. The electoral register is the foundation stone of our democracy and we have a duty to ensure that it is both accurate and complete - helping to empower citizens and increase public engagement in the democratic process.
This Council believes that the Council should take every effort to ensure that the 2010 electoral register in the Metropolitan Borough of Bury is as complete and accurate as possible, so as to provide a proper basis for any revision to electoral boundaries in the Metropolitan Borough of Bury. In addition, this Council notes that the Electoral Commission currently believes that approximately 3.5 million people are missing from registers in England and Wales alone and that this trend is especially stark amongst many specific social groups.
This Council, therefore, directs:
1. The Electoral Registration Officer and his staff to conduct door-to-door inquiries at all households where no-one responds to a letter requiring registration, with at least two personal calls on all non-responding households:
2. That an effective advertising campaign is launched now to encourage people to register, targeted at social groups among whom under-registration is known to be a problem and targeted at residents in those neighbourhoods where the electoral register is believed to have the lowest levels of completeness;
3. The Chief Executive to ensure a joined-up approach across all parts of the Council to encourage residents to register to vote;
4. The Electoral Registration Office to ensure that in the absence of any evidence that a particular household is empty or that the electors have moved or died, that the names in all such non-responding households should be carried over. ”
In the names of Councillors: A Audin, K Audin, D Boden, D M Cassidy, M Connolly, S Costello, A J Cummings, J Grimshaw, T Holt, A Isherwood, J Lewis, A K Matthews, N Parnell, A Quinn, K Rothwell, R Shori, J Smith, T Tariq and S Walmsley.
The motion on being put, 46 members voted for, none against and with one abstention, was declared carried.
At this stage, in the proceedings, the Mayor informed Members that it was 10.20 pm, and under Council Procedure Rule 9.1 business should be concluded.
It was moved and seconded that standing orders be suspended in order to enable the meeting to continue.
The motion on being put, 16 members voted for, 30 against and with one abstention, was declared lost.
The Mayor called upon the Leader to move The Closure Motion in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 9.
The Leader moved and it was:
C.212There were no Scrutiny Review Reports and Specific Items “Called-In” by Scrutiny Committees.
C.213There were no questions on the work of outside bodies or partnerships.
C.214Questions asked of Joint Authority representatives would be circulated subsequently.
C.215There were no questions on delegated decisions of Council Committees.
C.216Note - The report was duly noted under Council Procedure Rule 9.1
C.217Note - The report was duly approved under Council Procedure Rule 9.1
C.218Note - The matter concerning Redbank House, Radcliffe was duly noted under Council Procedure Rule 9.1