
Cabinet - Tuesday, 16th July, 2024 5.00 pm

Please let us know if you are planning to attend and have any access requirements or other needs which we need to take account of.

Venue: Bury Town Hall, The Peel Room

Contact: Chloe Ashworth  Democratic Services

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Declarations of Interest

Members of Cabinet are asked to consider whether they have an interest in any of the matters of the Agenda and, if so, to formally declare that interest.


Public Question Time

Questions are invited from members of the public about the work of the Cabinet.


Notice of any question must be given to Democratic Services by midday on Friday, 12th July. Approximately 30 minutes will be set aside for Public Question Time, if required.


Member Question Time

Questions are invited from Elected Members about items on the Cabinet agenda. 15 minutes will be set aside for Member Question Time, if required.


Notice of any Member question must be given to the Monitoring Officer by midday Thursday 11th July.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 261 KB

Minutes from the meeting held on 05th June 2024 are attached.


Prestwich funding - Part A pdf icon PDF 448 KB

Report of the Leader and Cabinet Member for Strategic Growth attached.

Additional documents:


Bury Market & Flexi Hall Levelling Up scheme – enabling and main works contract - Part A pdf icon PDF 461 KB

Report of the Leader and Cabinet Member for Strategic Growth is attached

Additional documents:


Buy Back & Acquisitions Policy & Procedures 2024 - 2028 pdf icon PDF 402 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Housing Services is attached.

Additional documents:


Proposed Major Works Programme for the Councils housing stock 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 331 KB

Report of Cabinet Member for Housing Services attached.


PRU Phase 2 Whitefield Centre - Part A pdf icon PDF 367 KB

Report of the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children and Young People attached.


Additional documents:


Objections to the proposed disposal of Public Open Space - Land off Manchester Road/Radcliffe Road, Bury

Report of the Leader and Cabinet Member for Strategic Growth to follow.


Six Town Housing Board Governance pdf icon PDF 377 KB

Report of Cabinet Member for Housing Services attached.


Additional documents:


The Acceptance of the Lowest Tender for the Replacement of Existing Street Lighting Lanterns with LED Lanterns (Phase 3) - Part A pdf icon PDF 240 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Environment, Climate Change and Operations attached.


Top Park, Ramsbottom 3G football pitch pdf icon PDF 542 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Environment, Climate Change and Operations attached.


Year End/Quarter Four Corporate Plan Performance Report 2023/24 and submission of the productivity plan pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Finance and Transformation is attached.

Additional documents:


Star Academy Radcliffe – Capital costs - Part A pdf icon PDF 621 KB

Report of the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children and Young People attached.


Budget Update Report pdf icon PDF 932 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Finance and Transformation is attached.


Radcliffe School Funding pdf icon PDF 362 KB

Report of the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children and Young People attached.


Implementation of the Children's Services leadership restructure pdf icon PDF 388 KB

Report of Cabinet Member for Corporate Affairs and HR attached.


Urgent Business

Any other business which by reason of special circumstances the Chair agrees may be considered as a matter of urgency.


Exclusion of Press and Public

To consider passing the appropriate resolution under Section 100 (A)(4), Schedule 12(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, that the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the reason that the following business involves the disclosure of exempt information as detailed against the item.


The Acceptance of the Lowest Tender for the Replacement of Existing Street Lighting Lanterns with LED Lanterns (Phase 3) - Part B

Report of the Cabinet Member for Environment, Climate Change and Operations attached.



Bury Market & Flexi Hall Levelling Up scheme – enabling and main works contract - Part B

Report of the Leader and Cabinet Member for Strategic Growth is attached.


PRU Phase 2 Whitefield Centre - Part B

Report of the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children and Young People attached.



Star Academy Radcliffe – Capital costs - Part B

Report of the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children and Young People attached.



Prestwich funding - Part B

Report of the Leader and Cabinet Member for Strategic Growth attached.